Install FS-SMB1 feature on 2016 windows server
We have a need to copy some files from windows server 2003 to 2016. Since 2003 is using SMB v1.0 I need to install client tools on the server.
I have tried running Add-WindowsFeature powershell using the source but all attempts end up with "The source files could not be found."
I havent managed to find the the feature in "sxs" folder on the installation image, also online with Dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:"SMB1Protocol" -All
I get the same error that it cannot locate the source.
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We have a need to copy some files from windows server 2003 to 2016. Since 2003 is using SMB v1.0 I need to install client tools on the server.
I have tried running Add-WindowsFeature powershell using the source but all attempts end up with "The source files could not be found."
I havent managed to find the the feature in "sxs" folder on the installation image, also online with Dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:"SMB1Protocol" -All
I get the same error that it cannot locate the source.
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