File system index corruption after Win10 1903 update



I have Windows 10 Home, running smoothly for more than 1 year. However, the system became extremely slow (HDD keep reading) when I was moving a shortcut on Desktop - just re-locate. After reboot (took 15mins each) twice (by coincidence, KB4503293 and KB4503308 installed and rebooted again), there were several critical error in system event log: (English translation was at the end of line if necessary)

- <Event xmlns=" ">
- <System>
<Provider Name="Ntfs" Guid="{dd70bc80-ef44-421b-8ac3-cd31da613a4e}" />
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2019-06-14T09:21:52.454358100Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="408" />
<Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
- <EventData>
<Data Name="DriveName">??</Data>
<Data Name="DeviceName">\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1</Data>
<Data Name="CorruptionState">0x0</Data>
<Data Name="HeaderFlags">0x922</Data>
<Data Name="Severity">关键</Data> //critical
<Data Name="Origin">文件系统驱动程序</Data> //File system device driver
<Data Name="Verb">索引偏移</Data> //Index bias
<Data Name="Description">在文件系统索引结构中发现损坏。文件参考编号为 0x9000000000009。文件名为“<无法确定文件名>”。损坏的索引属性为“:$SII:$INDEX_ROOT”。损坏的索引块位于 Vcn 0xffffffffffffffff,Lcn 0xffffffffffffffff。损坏开始位置在索引块中的偏移 112 处。</Data> //Corruption found in file system index structure. File reference number 0x9000000000009. File name "<Cannot determine file name>", The property of corrupted index is “:$SII:$INDEX_ROOT”. Corrupted index block located at Vcn 0xffffffffffffffff, Lcn 0xffffffffffffffff. Corruption begins at index block bias 112.
<Data Name="Signature">0xe3bb82f4</Data>
<Data Name="Outcome">只读卷</Data> //Read-only volume
<Data Name="SampleLength">0</Data>
<Data Name="SampleData" />
<Data Name="SourceFile">0x14</Data>
<Data Name="SourceLine">4347</Data>
<Data Name="SourceTag">350</Data>
<Data Name="AdditionalInfo">0xd00000a2</Data>
<Data Name="CallStack">Ntfs+0x1a82a6, Ntfs+0xe6d02, Ntfs+0x161285, Ntfs+0x160ced, Ntfs+0x160446, Ntfs+0x16e05f, Ntfs+0xc9534, Ntfs+0x7560, ntoskrnl+0xc4855, ntoskrnl+0x12f725, ntoskrnl+0x1c3dfa</Data>


The issue can't be fixed by CHKDSK /F at system boot. Anyone know how this issue was caused? Thanks!

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