Software that used to work in Windows 10 NO LONGER WORKS!! - Help!


an old woman

Ok, I use my HP Envy Laptop PRIMARILY for work - telecommute. I work in AP so I do a lot of printing, scanning, pdf's, downloading, uploading and so on.

My laptop came preinstalled with Windows 10 and all of these issues are supposed to work in Windows 10 and did, at one time, work perfectly in Windows 10.

Our house has 2 printers, Epson WF-3640 and WF-3720 - both did work just fine - both with communicating with the laptop, printing from any program being run (, Excel, Word, online, pdf, photos - you name it - it printed.)
I used to be able to place an item on the flatbed scanner of either printer and come back to the laptop and open up the scan utility that came with Epson and work magic with whatever I wanted - coloring, cropping, whatever).

The next piece of software that I used was Abbyy Fine Reader 10 - really handy when you had a 200-some page, color document that needed to be compressed to load.

The last with an issue (that I know of) is Anytime Organizer Deluxe 16 - which, obviously is an organizer/calendar/reminder software) - Need I say more.

Now, I am having issues with all of these.

I have uninstalled them all.

I removed any extra old pdf, excel, photo and music files that were taking up space and transferred them to an external hard drive. That dropped me down from 820 available to 800 gb available.

I shut down every device in the house, including my smart phone.

Reset the router.

Turned laptop back on.

Reinstalled all 3 programs.

Oh, I can still print to either printer and I can drop an item onto the flatbed and scan it with the basic settings available on the printer (which sure doesn't do much for quality) and then take the memory card and plop it back into the laptop.

Anytime Organizer begins to open, displays the 1st/home page and then promptly shuts down.

Abbyy Fine reader claims that it can't connect to the printer and some TWAIN issue.

So, Microsoft people, I really would like to know why, after reading through the different complaints & issues, why you up and decided to drop TWAIN?

It is very apparent that other folks & myself are probably experiencing some of the issues with all in one printers and scanning functionality because of this.

I am pretty sure since ABBYY Fine Reader is mentioned in the EPSON printer's guides as being compatible and able to use and having a section for tips on it - that - YEAH - that's the issue with that.

Now, me, myself - I paid for all of this stuff - the printers, the software, the laptop, the internet connection and I do so because 90% of my laptop work is WORK - the kind that pays my bills. The remaining 10 % is used up with writing (several novels in draft stages) and a whole lot of photography and scrapbook type software programs that both my husband and I use extensively - he's an artist - as in paint, draw & musician.

We're not rich but we're doing okay within a budget.

So, Microsoft - with all of your updates that are always plagued with issues - as in - we have to routinely restart our laptops 2 - 5 times after every update before the system becomes stable enough to use - are you telling us consumers that we are going to be forced to either install Windows/Microsoft APPS only AND go out and purchase NEW hardware and NEW software just to continue to doing the things we either NEED to do (WORK/EMPLOYMENT) or ENJOY doing?

Sure, you're system is grand for teenagers who want to do nothing but play candy crush or binge Netflix but what about those of us in the world who actually utilize our hardware for PRODUCTIVITY - REAL productivity?

Because I had my laptop set up exactly the way it needed to be - access to work, access to files, and software that did what I needed and required it to do.

And your updates have screwed it all up into a muddy, convoluted - get me the duct tape out/find a bunch of work-arounds that are time-consuming and frustrating.

So - do you Microsoft - want to go out and purchase 2 NEW all-in-one printers that are GUARANTEED to work for at least the next 5 years for everything that our household does and do you want to go out and purchase for us ALL of the productivity software to do what we need and guarantee it to work for at least the next 5 years?

because so far, Epson can't get me a workaround, although they are replying back to my issue but this is the weekend, so I know I won't hear back until Monday and on Monday, I've got 10 hours of Work - the EMPLOYED type of work that I need to do and I won't have time to piddle with Epson until the evening, if I am lucky.

I haven't heard back from Anytime or ABBYY and same as above.... I can't stop working in the middle of the day.

I thought about rolling back the laptop a few updates BUT - I've got network access stuff to work servers and I can't afford to screw that up to start the week off and the last time I attempted to do a rollback - about 5 months ago - it took hours and then gave me an error message saying it couldn't complete the rollback to a good date.

6 hours later I had my laptop back running and doing a factory reinstall.

If this is what I have to do again, I won't be able to do it until I take vacation in August.

I think Microsoft, it is high time that you start remembering that a lot of people using your half-baked OS are BUSINESS/PRODUCTIVE/ - NOT TWEENS binging Netflix or anime.

How about recognizing the fact that not all of us are in a position to go out and upgrade printers that we haven't even had a full year yet? Seriously! They're not the newer models but they were either replaced By Epson to us when our oldest printer died or they were purchased by me!

How about recognizing the fact that most of us can't go out and keep buying new software and that some of the dumb software available out there in the Windows store doesn't quite fit the bill towards the software that we bought, use, understand, have tweaked & learned and set up because it does Exactly what we need.

I mean, I can get upgrading from something that is like 15 years old or 10 maybe but if it still works perfectly - consumers should NOT forced into having to spend money that they may need for something else.

Nor should people have to be expected to become a computer guru just to make things work, iron out the update issues that keep coming and be forced into getting a Doctorate in Computers just to run them.

So, if you have any legitimately workable answers to my software dilemmas, I'll be waiting to see if they show up anywhere. Nothing else ever does - and I get that this is not a glowing review of Win 10 so it will probably won't see the light of day but yeah, I'll at least give it an attempt.

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