What's Wrong with the OS for Windows 10?



I have asked multiple times between WINDOWS HP AND CRUCIAL, why doesn't system recognize these Drives have no disk? And are connected though SATA NVM connection? Heck HP gave me a full refund for thier paid support services because the only way to help would have ment giving me 100% use of the BIOS and uefi uyetems.band , windows is the OS Crucial is the Hardware Supply plus "designers and producers" of the pruduct. And not 1 of you offers device recognition system settings, BIOS availability, or utility, or has had any way to have the item seen correctly, the product have being used at 100%, or even realeased a software hardware patches, all i got was the runar massive vpos5 it if everyone blaming the other saying after "troubleshooting" go to the purchaser they should know, "purchaser"says go to HP, they so called made by your system, "HP" says to talk to Windows,

Around and around we go. Will the problem ever get solved it probably could have been. But we may never know. But will they ever get tired of us asking why this problem occurs "they don't know" can they help "please sir or madam, i will give it all my 15% untill we blane someone else's, but i will send a survey, expecting 100% from you. Or the we didn't make it so gives us money and we won't break it ither.

If i could of went only i kneew this is how it would be. I could of waited for these 3 to get together before Sombody else drops their new , Laptop and, Processors, or SSD's (all formats), at least their free support solves issues if I installed off Brand hardware. Or purchased from a company that offers software and firmware for thier product, or bought and do it yourself build. And gotten full warinty for "mixed builds" on 1 service that i have FULL control over all it's functions, including switching out parts choosing items parts as i so choose, or maybe even mess the Bios, i mean who cares what i buy it right? But no,... if want current updates correct system software and award winning cheapness of /okay\ products that i paid for, not work correctly since day 5 the purchase. And only ever got 1 problem solved because the laptops hardware failed after 4 months, and when it was sent back, the technician must have forgot how to use screws because a drive wasn't put back in after installing a new motherboard. I can still go on and on. But the point is fo you know hiw to to have Windows 10 read my Hardware, correctly identify it and run it as it is. Hell maybe even all if you add minor upgrade fixes like oh you like 90% of the product bit pay extra to make better, sure, I'll get you this continues for that.. Thanks

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