Miniport drivers will not install


joshua eubanks

Ok so recently i was trying to use a vpn and i noticed it would not work. I was trying to use a vpn app off of the windows store. The app was working before but just stopped working. So i thought it might be an issue with the miniport drivers so i went into device manger and i did not see the drivers. I even ticked the show hidden drivers button and it was not shown. None of the miniport drivers were there. The TAP driver was also not there. It was there before but now its is not. I done tried to use devcon.exe to reinstall the drivers. So i used it to do that and it gave me an error of devcon.exe failed. So then i went over to the logs and it told me that you see below. I have tried to look online for this type of problem and i could not find it anywhere on how to fix my problem. Im trying to install all the required Miniport drivers for that vpn app i got off of the microsoft store that was working before but stopped working. Also im trying to install the TAP driver for that app also for it to work again. I tried to run these command in admin command promt and none would work all of them said devcon.exe failed. I also need a link to the TAP driver so i could install that. The thing is i tried to run those commands below like i said to reinstall the Miniport drivers. It just refused to install them it kept saying devcon.exe failed. I have tried everything you read above to try to fix it like i said. If anyone knows how to fix this please help me and thanks.

IKEv2: "devcon.exe install c:\Windows\inf\netavpna.inf MS_AgileVpnMiniport"

◦IP: "devcon.exe install c:\Windows\inf\netrasa.inf MS_NdisWanIp"

◦IPv6: "devcon.exe install c:\Windows\inf\netrasa.inf MS_NdisWanIpv6"

◦Network Monitor: "devcon.exe install c:\Windows\inf\netrasa.inf MS_NdisWanBh"

◦L2TP: "devcon.exe install c:\Windows\inf\netrasa.inf MS_L2tpMiniport"

◦PPPoE: "devcon.exe install c:\Windows\inf\netrasa.inf MS_PppoeMiniport"

◦PPTP: "devcon.exe install c:\Windows\inf\netrasa.inf MS_PptpMiniport"

◦SSTP: "devcon.exe install c:\Windows\inf\netsstpa.inf MS_SstpMiniport"

Then i got the same error of devcon.exe failed. So then i tried to do sfc /scannow and that also did not work but it did fix some corrupted files. The thing is it did not work. So then im comming here for some help on how to fix my problem. I also tried to look for a restore point and i did not have any restore points because i have not set a restore point yet. Im really confused of why it decided to do this. A couple of months ago it was working. Later when i tried to open that app up it was not working anymore so i did what you see above. I even tried rebooting after doing sfc /scannow i even tried rebooting when i did some other things. I also tried to uninstall the app then reboot then install it again and still it did not work. So if anyone can help please do and thanks.

Install logs for the first command i ran is below this.

\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

>>> [Device Install (DiShowUpdateDevice) - ROOT\NET\0002]

>>> Section start 2019/06/21 14:00:07.583

cmd: "C:\Windows\system32\mmc.exe" C:\Windows\system32\devmgmt.msc

dvi: {DIF_UPDATEDRIVER_UI} 14:00:07.583

dvi: Default installer: Enter 14:00:07.584

dvi: Default installer: Exit

dvi: {DIF_UPDATEDRIVER_UI - exit(0xe000020e)} 14:00:07.584

ndv: {Update Driver Software Wizard - ROOT\NET\0002}

ndv: Search options: 0x00000203

ndv: Searching currently installed INF

dvi: {Build Driver List} 14:00:08.218

dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):

dvi: ms_agilevpnminiport

dvi: Created Driver Node:

dvi: HardwareID - MS_AgileVpnMiniport

dvi: InfName - C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\netavpna.inf_amd64_8d16ac73570dee70\netavpna.inf

dvi: DevDesc - WAN Miniport (IKEv2)

dvi: Section - Ndi-Mp-AgileVpn

dvi: Rank - 0x00ff0000

dvi: Signer Score - INBOX

dvi: DrvDate - 06/21/2006

dvi: Version - 10.0.17134.1

dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 14:00:08.221

ndv: Searching default INF path

dvi: {Build Driver List} 14:00:08.222

dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):

dvi: ms_agilevpnminiport

dvi: Created Driver Node:

dvi: HardwareID - MS_AgileVpnMiniport

dvi: InfName - C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\netavpna.inf_amd64_8d16ac73570dee70\netavpna.inf

dvi: DevDesc - WAN Miniport (IKEv2)

dvi: Section - Ndi-Mp-AgileVpn

dvi: Rank - 0x00ff0000

dvi: Signer Score - INBOX

dvi: DrvDate - 06/21/2006

dvi: Version - 10.0.17134.1

dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 14:00:08.270


dvi: Default installer: Enter 14:00:11.095

dvi: {Select Best Driver}

dvi: Class GUID of device changed to: {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}.

dvi: Selected Driver:

dvi: Description - WAN Miniport (IKEv2)

dvi: InfFile - c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\netavpna.inf_amd64_8d16ac73570dee70\netavpna.inf

dvi: Section - Ndi-Mp-AgileVpn

dvi: {Select Best Driver - exit(0x00000000)}

dvi: Default installer: Exit

dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV - exit(0x00000000)} 14:00:11.097

ndv: {Update Driver Software Wizard exit(000004c7)}

<<< Section end 2019/06/21 14:00:12.174

<<< [Exit status: FAILURE(0x000004c7)]

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