WIN 7 Reborn is what we need NOW, not appliance Win-10, but you can't tell MS that-Co doesn't listen



MS has become so bloated that there is not a single person, reachble on phone, whose job it is to listen to how users feel about its products - those of us who don't mind the stormcloud model, rather than freedom to use our PCs to their fullest extent, or who regard their computers like their refrigerators, another appliance they don't understand, realize that Windows 7 was the best of the Windows NT-spawned line. Not perfect, but pretty good.
We hoped MS would, eventually, come up with an NT-8 or Win-7 SP(s)2-n. MS didn't.
MS doesn't listen to users - try calling to file ny kind of comment, nd you will find it impossible.
Intel has developed fantastic new CPUs, like the I9-X series - which would make wonderful Personal Computers, for those of us who understand PCs. By limiting information availability, I doubt even paid botique LINUX releases can supply systems to fully utilize the new Intel architecture and power. BUT - you cannot find a motherboard with expansion card sockets that support the umpteen lines of the I9-X Extreme - 4 video boards, a layout of 8 monitors as you wish them, Intel OPTANE middle memory, an SRAM "Disk C" plug-in and a dedicated high-speed RAID card capable of handling two groups of 4, 8TB drives, an HDMI/other cable "STB" outputs, with room for The Next Big Thing when it comes along.
WHAT WE NEED TO TELL MS: Win-10 with its applince design log-in to accpunt/network, automatic "assistance" from uncontrollable patches, ability by corp. or 3rd parties to reach into our systems, with no power, save multiple "stateful" routers laid out in the method, and lots of expensive firmware, is not what we want or need. We need Windows 14 or 7 Relunched, or whatever MS wants to all the new system. Aside from the kludgy XP sandbox for older programs, forget about 16-bit oldies, no matter how useful, Win 7, combined with the XP startup 3rd party directory screen was On the Right Track - Only those on the road need clouds. The rest of us, just a way to log in to our high-test home machines. We don't like "rented" software or software/hardware - leaving our IP vulnerable on a "cloud", we don't need Adobe rent-a-font tracking systems. We want a smooth system that allows us who started programming our DEC PDP-8 "PCs" to give up programming and buy software to run locally.
Most of all, we need a modernized Windows 7, we need it yesterday, and realize it probably exists, in some form, at MS. OR, let the same crews building GITHub open source OS's to have WIN-7 sources with comments. We need a group of live people, including those speaking idiomatic North American English to tke our requests and preferences to MS development teams.
Please join me with followup messages - enough and even Mirosoft may notice, and solve the problems which could very well bring the company down, while those of us who still "build" our own PCs try to make due with Linux or older, slower equipment.
(Tyler, for you non-history-buffs, a revolutionary against feudalism, didn't last too long. If enough of us convince MS we *like* their products, and will *pay* for them, maybe we an gain some traction)

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