can't connect to web



Wirless modum is woking with a separate xp computer and the Windows Me
computer used to work wireless but it stopped working.

In control panel, network, tcp/ip , I chose obtain an ip addr automatically
and detect connection to network media, ok, ok and it says it downloads
settings but I still can't connect.

It used ot work, then it worked sometimes and now not at all.


On Oct 29, 5:51 pm, Martin <> wrote:
> Wirless modum is woking with a separate xp computer and the Windows Me
> computer used to work wireless but it stopped working.
> In control panel, network, tcp/ip , I chose obtain an ip addr automatically
> and detect connection to network media, ok, ok and it says it downloads
> settings but I still can't connect.
> It used ot work, then it worked sometimes and now not at all.

Where did you get it and what did it do? I installed some stuff for my
Motorola Razr V3m on my winME about a year ago. The cell and the PC
communicated but anything worthwhile, like transferring photos to the
PC, seemed to require premium services which I never heard anyone say
were worth buying. I still have some Btstart service (Bluetooth)
running. Did it do anything really worthwhile? I have begun using the
system monitor most of the time and have been wondering why it shows
I'm burning up about 75% of the cpu cycles just doing AV, Bluetooth,
and running the Cable Modem. When the computer first starts, the
first minute or so, it gets by with less than 25% but within 5 minutes
it always gets up to 75%. Starting a browser session presses the pedal
to the metal for about 8 to 10 seconds then its down to 75 % again...

Did you ever use the System Monitor when you were using wireless?

As far as that goes, what are your meters now? (memory manager and
kernel processor)?



One of the tools I've used for checking network connections is Ping.
Start with pinging yourself,, etc. If you can't get a
response then you don't have a connection, or at least you don't have
a tcp / ip connection. What kind of result do you get with ping (from
the command prompt)?
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