Explorer freezes when launching .exe installer file.




This is a non existential issue but a really boring one.
Whenever I try to launch an .exe INSTALLER application, wherever I launched it from freezes for around 5 minutes or more before launching the installer.

For exemple when I download a random installer, let's say Firefox. When I proceed to launch it from my "Downloads" folder that specific window will freeze and become unresponsive for 5 minutes, then the installer will launch. Also happens on the desktop.

I can reboot explorer.exe from the Task Manager and it will work fine after, but the installer will still launch with that ~5 minutes delay. If I try launching it again it will freeze.

What I tried so far :

I'm not an expert but I didn't see anything suspicious inside my Task Manager when launching the file. I also scanned my computer using ADWCleaner, MalwareBytes and RogueKiller.
I did a chkdsk upon reboot and I felt I had a success but I will elaborate further down.

I tried using a third party file manager "Total Commander" to launch the .exe, it freezes the program.

If I launch the .exe from the browser itself when it's finished downloading it will freeze the browser. Tried on Chrome and Firefox.

What felt like a success :

When I launched the .exe right after doing my chkdsk it felt like a success because it launched right away, but that was a short lived fix.
Trying again and the problem was back, so I guess that when I launch an .exe installer in the 30s after boot the issue is not present.

What works :

When I boot in safe mode the issue is not present and installers starts right away.

When I launch the .exe file through the command prompt it starts right away.

Some clarifications :

My computer is a powerfull gaming PC (i7 6700k, 16Gb DDR4).
Windows is installed on an SSD.

I do not really know when the issue appeared for the first time, it may have appeared a while ago since I don't install programs that often.

If any of you have already encountered the same issue, or if you have any hints or questions feel free to ask.

Thank you.

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