" This is a public community. ".....or is it ?



Hello ,i am just re-entered the " community thing " after a long hiatus, just cruising different areas reading y'alls posts, including anything the "community watch/elders" post to help anyone with issues ...and to see if what is posted is helpful , .First ,,i mean "no offense" to anyone , and what i post just is what i observe in the community and my ownfeelingson whatever is interesting in the community . I am not , a Conspirator , nor Incite others or a Disgruntle Community Activist . I am Joe Public very low key person that only offers feedback when asked in the Insider Program and only if i truly understand the issue. In the community , if i can assist i will , or make a public comment on issues, discussions etc based on my belief , which is the basis for this post . I wrote my first post last week after a long time and it was on general info on the progress of Microsofts Edge failing Browser has improved and my beliefs on what Windows did to set it right . The post was Deleted , and i was inform it was a possible violation of the Code of Conduct policy , due to the Topic was improper ? This is a public community ? After two weeks of browsing Posts , i notice more than normal active conflict between the community and moderators and sum accusations were way off scope of regular complaints .

So Public Community... or Gated ??? Be Well people !!

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