Windows 10 Contiunual Updates And How They May Effect Older Hardware



In the past, as with windows 7, every update added functionality and never took anything away.

I am concerned with this new windows 10 model of semi annual updates. I am concerned that they will start dropping support for older drivers (this has been verified on certain laptops LAN adapters in another discussion). Also concerned it may make me eventually update costly software.

Security is a concern for me but not as much as keeping my machine functional, i have decided to let my newer dell laptop get this update, however i have a machine built in 2013 (with extremely powerful components) that is still keeping pace with the new models. this machine still uses optical drives, TV tuner cards. Tons of software that is aging but still functions fine. I saw the pop up under updates saying it was being checked to see if it was capable of this 1903 update.

Immediately I went into the registry and created keys to prevent these major updates from hitting this machine in fear the hoards of software and older hardware being no longer supported (TV tuner is probably 10 years old but currently 100% functional).

Microsoft has taken on a model that now they are even dropping security patches for older versions of windows 10 in 2 years or less, under the old method they would continue to support and OS for 10 years and service packs rarely broke anything.

I am posting this discussion for people using older hardware or older software that was initially compatible with windows 10. Has anyone run into lots of issues updating? this goes for both the update process and the clean install. Some of us have computers that took an extreme amount of time and even a clean install would not be worth the trouble of having to reconfigure the entire machine.

Is anyone deciding to just stop these updates at some point forgoing security on a machine that serves a vital role and still functions very well (mine is a server that hosts media files to all of my television sets, has TV DVR functions, Has veritas backup software, has many background processes, and also uses a lot of legacy hardware well) i cannot afford to have this machine lose capabilities due to continual Microsoft updates and im not ready to shell out the cash for newer hardware and software when my current setup works 100 percent fine. Yes i could simply restore the OS with veritas much better than any windows rollback option, but it seems to me at some point you will probably have to start refusing to let windows get the fall and spring content updates.

what are everyone's thoughts and experience with this. i know many system may have initially been on the endangered species list but just barely met the initial windows 10 requirements, i have no machine this old, but our machines, no matter how old, sometimes just have to still function and stay in place for many years regardless of security loopholes if newer software is going to render them broken in some fashion.

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