Wandering recycle bin.



I know I saw something posted before about this problem, but I can't find it
under either Windows Vista Discussion Groups or Windows Vista General

For some reason my recycling bin has a tendency to move. I try to avoid
making any changes to the settings so as to prevent causing any additional
Vista Glitches.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Charlie Tame

megansway wrote:
> I know I saw something posted before about this problem, but I can't find it
> under either Windows Vista Discussion Groups or Windows Vista General
> Discussion.
> For some reason my recycling bin has a tendency to move. I try to avoid
> making any changes to the settings so as to prevent causing any additional
> Vista Glitches.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks

Move from where to where?

Sometimes when you run software that uses a lower screen resolution the
desktop will be rearranged so everything still fits on the visible area,
then when you switch back to normal things have moved. (Games often
cause this). Are you sure this isn't what's happening and can you
describe in a bit more detail what is happening?
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