Windows 10 May 2019 Update Problem



Calling all experts: I have twice installed the May 2019 1903 update (most recently on 7/20/19), and only one problem, as far as I can tell, is occurring. After the update, my desktop computer will restart Windows 10. But if I shut down the computer and turn it on again later, Windows 10 start up "hangs." That is, the blue Windows logo appears on the screen without the swirling dots underneath. And there things stop. Fortunately, this computer has a restart button. When I press this button at that hang-up, the computer starts normally into Windows. I don't know what information/data you all need to assist with your diagnosis. I'm a "seasoned" citizen without the level of technical expertise which I see exhibited in the questions and answers here. So getting you what you want may be a challenge. My Avatar desktop (purchased 11/27/13) is up-to-date on all other updates except perhaps BIOS. There is more than sufficient storage on the 240 GB SSD (125 free out of 218 reported) for the update. Should I just keep trying to install the 1903 update and wait on Microsoft to discover this problem and come up with a fix? Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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