3d print drivers on com port 11 get disabled by microsoft update



Last night I spent 4 hours on the phone and on the computer with Microsoft Tech Support for my home machine....

Ever since they did a security update about two or three weeks ago, My 3d printer is unable to connect to my home machine... I have reloaded the drivers the update causes that to fail, I restore from an earlier date, it still forces the update and I loose my 3 d printer....

Then last night, each tech (4 in all), I got, was trying to load the 3 d printer through the device and printers page, which it has never been loaded there.... it uses a USB on Com Port 11 using a Serial Port emulator....

if after the Microsoft update, the com port 11 is disabled, it is grayed out in the device manager... and 2 of the techs totally disabled my machine, and I had to do a system restore, this has become totally frustrating

I am running Windows 10 pro, build 1809

I have a PowerSpec G351 with an i7 8700k chip set

48 gig of memory

2 500 gig ssd cards

12 TB of drive space with an external 16 TB to backup too....

and my case number is 1478318387

This morning when I got up, I did some screen shots of the device manager page while my 3d printer is working... if you kn0a58a1e7-b4bd-4473-90f3-055a592f673f?upload=true.pngow who I could send this too or you know someone who might be able to help please forward it to them....

I know its not old drivers because I run software to update my drivers daily.... 423a29ca-316f-47de-9337-d59a6631fe50?upload=true.png

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