Looking for information on what functions or subsections of the built-in apps can be pinned to the start menu and what apps will give a live tile effe


Gen Test

Hi there,

Thanks for looking at my question. I am an avid user of the start menu and it's features, and I've been trying to customize it. However, I find that despite the excellent features and functionality that the built-in Apps are able to bring to the Start Menu, there doesn't seem to be much documentation on how to use them together.

Just to clarify, I'm only looking for information on the first party built-in apps that came with Windows 10, ie. Alarm & Clock, Calendar & Mail, People etc. on how they work with the start menu, and in particular:

1. For these built-in apps, what functions can I pin to the start menu other than the Main App itself as a Tile?

eg. In Mail, you can pin individual accounts or any folder in an account as a Tile

In Groove Music, you can pin individual playlists, albums and artists as Tiles

2. What Apps will give a Live Tile effect on the Start Menu and under what condition?

eg. In Mail, An active tile/live tile will display the sender and first few words of the latest unread mail for: all newmail if the App is pinned, new mail arriving for an account, if an account is pinned, or new mail arriving in a filder, if a folder is pinned.

In Alarm & Clock, pinning a particular city in the "Clock" panel, will create a Live Tile that shows that city's current time.

I've looked around quite a bit for a page telling how all of the built-in apps work with the Start Menu with no success so far, and it's been a bit of a trial and error on figuring out how everything works. Perhaps I missed something and would be delighted if someone here would be able to point me in the right direction.



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