WSEARCH - <Failed to read description. Error code 15100>



I'm having the following problem. When I open services.msc and scroll down
I find there WSEARCH with the following error: <Failed to read description.
Error code 15100>. The services is started, and I'm able to stop and start
the services.

When I try to change the startup behavior of the services I get to following
two errors:

Configuration Manager: A general internal error occurred. <OK>

The resource loader failed to find the MUI file. <OK>

When I take a look at the services within the registry everything looks fine:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



The "SearchIndexer.exe" is in right directory and isn't corrupt or whatever...
I'm running a Englisch Vista with any MUI installed...

What is going wrong, and why aren't the properties shown with the
sevices.msc ?


Mr. Arnold

"Erik" <> wrote in message
> I'm having the following problem. When I open services.msc and scroll down
> I find there WSEARCH with the following error: <Failed to read
> description.
> Error code 15100>. The services is started, and I'm able to stop and start
> the services.
> When I try to change the startup behavior of the services I get to
> following
> two errors:
> Configuration Manager: A general internal error occurred. <OK>
> The resource loader failed to find the MUI file. <OK>

> The "SearchIndexer.exe" is in right directory and isn't corrupt or
> whatever...
> I'm running a Englisch Vista with any MUI installed...
> What is going wrong, and why aren't the properties shown with the
> sevices.msc ?

What happens when you use Control Panel/Admin Tools/Services, and the
Services short-cut is set to Run As Administrator off of the Advanced


"Mr. Arnold" wrote:

> What happens when you use Control Panel/Admin Tools/Services, and the
> Services short-cut is set to Run As Administrator off of the Advanced
> Button?

When I start services.msc with elevated rights, Windows search is still
as 'WSEARCH' with the error - <Failed to read description. Error code 15100>.


Mr. Arnold

"Erik" <> wrote in message
> "Mr. Arnold" wrote:
>> What happens when you use Control Panel/Admin Tools/Services, and the
>> Services short-cut is set to Run As Administrator off of the Advanced
>> Button?

> When I start services.msc with elevated rights, Windows search is still
> displayed
> as 'WSEARCH' with the error - <Failed to read description. Error code
> 15100>.
> Regards,

Is this a pre-loaded machine? Or do you have an install DVD/CD for Vista?


"Mr. Arnold" wrote:

> Is this a pre-loaded machine? Or do you have an install DVD/CD for Vista?

This is a Dell Inspirion 9400 with Vista Ultimate installed from a Technet
DVD, and is
running on a Technet Plus code.

Mr. Arnold

"Erik" <> wrote in message
> "Mr. Arnold" wrote:
>> Is this a pre-loaded machine? Or do you have an install DVD/CD for Vista?

> This is a Dell Inspirion 9400 with Vista Ultimate installed from a Technet
> DVD, and is
> running on a Technet Plus code.

Was Vista upgraded over XP or was this a clean install? I am running
Ultimate at this time, it was upgraded over a pre-installed Vista Home
Premium. I don't have this problem you are experiencing. I do recall that I
did have some trouble with Services just even to make a change to a service
to stop/start or whatever, as I was locked out even with running as Admin
and using RAA. I can't tell you if the upgrade to Ultimate corrected the
problem. But it did go away.

It does sound like you have some kind of corruption going on there. Have you
tried doing an O/S Repair from the DVD or an upgrade over the top of Vista
with the install DVD to lay the O/S back down to see if things will be


"Mr. Arnold" wrote:

> Was Vista upgraded over XP or was this a clean install? I am running
> Ultimate at this time, it was upgraded over a pre-installed Vista Home
> Premium. I don't have this problem you are experiencing. I do recall that I
> did have some trouble with Services just even to make a change to a service
> to stop/start or whatever, as I was locked out even with running as Admin
> and using RAA. I can't tell you if the upgrade to Ultimate corrected the
> problem. But it did go away.
> It does sound like you have some kind of corruption going on there. Have you
> tried doing an O/S Repair from the DVD or an upgrade over the top of Vista
> with the install DVD to lay the O/S back down to see if things will be
> corrected?

It was a fresh install, the strange thing is that I'm able to stop / start the
services. But I'm able to change the properties on the services...


Found the problem.
The file "SearchIndexer.exe.mui" was not in the directory:

and not in the directory:

I was able to copy the file to the first, the second seems to be protected...
But it seems copying the file to the first will do the job :)

Dave Wood [MS]

Hi Erik

I'm glad you got things working, but I'm curious what caused this issue -
this specific issue isn't something we've seen before. Can you think of any
specific unusual circumstance that might have caused this error? {errors
duing installation of Vista or an app, hard-drive failure, System Restore

Note you can check that all the expected OS files are present and correct by
running the "sfc /scannow" command from an elevated command-prompt ...

Dave Wood

"Erik" <> wrote in message
> Found the problem.
> The file "SearchIndexer.exe.mui" was not in the directory:
> C:\Windows\System32\en-US
> and not in the directory:
> C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_windowssearchengine.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6000.16386_en-us_8cee37712b17ca53
> I was able to copy the file to the first, the second seems to be
> protected...
> But it seems copying the file to the first will do the job :)


"Dave Wood [MS]" wrote:

> Hi Erik
> I'm glad you got things working, but I'm curious what caused this issue -
> this specific issue isn't something we've seen before. Can you think of any
> specific unusual circumstance that might have caused this error? {errors
> duing installation of Vista or an app, hard-drive failure, System Restore
> etc}.
> Note you can check that all the expected OS files are present and correct by
> running the "sfc /scannow" command from an elevated command-prompt ...
> Dave Wood

Hi Dave,

I did not have any errors during the installation (almost a year ago) that I
remember. Also no hard-drive failure or System Restore where performed
on the system. The only problem I have had with the system where the
wifi driver from Intel/Dell for witch Dell posted an update on their website.

Because services.msc isn't something I start daily I'm not sure if the problem
started right after installation of some time ago....

sfc found some errors but was unable to fix them.... It also created a 40 Mb
cbs.log file. I can send it if you like (send me a e-mail).

If you have any more questions ask them -)



I think this is the most intressting part from the cbs.log:
POQ 61 ends.
2007-11-06 19:02:29, Info CSI 0000014c [SR] Verify
2007-11-06 19:02:29, Info CSI 0000014d [SR] Repairing 1
2007-11-06 19:02:29, Info CSI 0000014e [SR] Beginning
Verify and Repair transaction
2007-11-06 19:02:29, Info CSI 0000014f [SR] Cannot
repair member file [l:42{21}]"SearchIndexer.exe.mui" of
WindowsSearchEngine.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA =
PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope =
1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName
neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2007-11-06 19:02:29, Info CSI 00000150 [SR] Cannot
repair member file [l:42{21}]"SearchIndexer.exe.mui" of
WindowsSearchEngine.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA =
PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope =
1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName
neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2007-11-06 19:02:29, Info CSI 00000151 Repair results
POQ 62 starts:

POQ 62 ends.
2007-11-06 19:02:29, Info CSI 00000152 [SR] Repair
2007-11-06 19:02:29, Info CSI 00000153 [SR] Committing
2007-11-06 19:02:29, Info CSI 00000154 Creating NT
transaction (seq 1), objectname [6]"(null)"
2007-11-06 19:02:29, Info CSI 00000155 Created NT
transaction (seq 1) result 0x00000000, handle @0x1328
2007-11-06 19:02:29, Info CSI
00000156@2007/11/6:18:02:29.942 CSI perf trace:
2007-11-06 19:02:29, Info CSI 00000157 [SR] Verify and
Repair Transaction completed. All files and registry keys listed in this
transaction have been successfully repaired
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