Frequent BSOD after updating to Windows 10 version 1903



Hey there.

I've updated my Windows 10 from version 1803 to version 1903 and all of a sudden hell broke loose. I have various issues, 2 of them are most important:

  • PC crash and BSOD while playing

For some games I face PC crashes which sometimes is followed by a BSOD with WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR. Let me explain with the games involved:

Every-time I start a match in CS:GO I'll face a crash (with an annoying continues sound) followed by a BSOD with the mentioned error. I want to emphasize that the crash won't happen until I start a match and play for a while (5-10 minutes). Here is link to mini-dump file of the latest BSOD and my system information.

Also, I face a freeze and needs to restart my PC every-time I try to resume where I was in Far Cry 4. It happens when the game is trying load and the progress bar is filling, it stop somewhere and then I can do nothing but to restart.

I've search these issues and tried popular fixes that is found with simple googling. I do not overclock my CPU or GPU, I've ran sfc /scannow and chkdsk, I've updated my drivers and I've cleaned my case's interior recently.

It worth mentioning that I face no problem while playing some other games like Call of Duty: Black Ops.

  • Facing error related to network adapter trying to sart my VM

I had a VM before I update and it was working without any problem. After updating, I faced many errors trying to start it which all of them was related to bridged adapter. I've followed many solutions from the VirtualBox forum which leads me to uninstall and reinstall VirtualBox multiple times, a network reset and many other attempts followed by a restart. I've tried that much that it annoyed the hell out of me. I've asked about the latest error I've faced in this StackOverflow question.

The last thing I want to mention is that all of these sufferings are familiar and I kinda expected them to happen, because I've faced them before when I've updated my Windows 10 from version 1803 to version 1809. In that time I've done some search and tried some easy solutions, but at the end, I've rolled back to version 1803 to see everything every problem is gone. Thus, I know that if I roll back to the version I was, everything will be OK, but I really want to find another way to fix this, because I can't remain at version 1803 forever.

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