Windows 10 fresh install fails




I'm having a common issue and I've tried all of the fixes I've found online. I still have the issue

I have two disks - the USB removable memory stick which contains the installer ISO image, and an M.2 Samsung 500GB drive. I'm doing a fresh install of windows 10 and I'm encountering an error during the installation.

When I reach the 'Where do you want to install Windows' dialog box in the installer, I see Drive 0, with 465GB of unallocated space. When I select this disk and click install I get the following error:

"Windows could not prepare the computer to boot into the next phase of installation. To install Windows, restart the installation"

My unallocated disk space looks like this from diskpart:


> list disk

DISK ### Status Size Free Dyn GPT

Disk 0 Online 465GB 0B * <----samsung m.2 500GB drive

Disk 1 Online 28GB 0B * <----usb running windows installer

> list volume
Volume #### LTR Label FS Type Size Status Info

--------------- ----- ------- --- ----- ----- ------- -----

Volume 0 C Recovery NTFS Partition 529MB Healthy

Volume 1 F NTFS Partition 465GB Healthy

Volume 2 E FAT32 Partition 100MB Healthy Hidden

Volume 3 D WIN10 FAT32 Removable 28GB Healthy

>select disk 0

>list partition

Partition ### Type Size Offset

-------------- ---- ----- ------
Partition 1 Recovery 529MB 1024KB
Partition 2 System 100MB 530MB
Partition 3 Reserved 16MB 630MB
Partition 4 Primary 465GB 646MB

The only thing that l see that looks out of sorts is that volume 0, Recovery, gets drive letter C. Volume 1 is the one I expected to get drive letter C.

Has anyone else seen an issue like this before? Am I barking up the wrong tree with the drive letter, or is something else going on?

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