Vietnamese Telex on Windows 10 has problem


DuyNguyen Anh

Hi Microsoft,

Recently, i have updated my Window 10 version to the latest verion. I want to use Vietnamese Telex, but it wasn't perfect yet, because it has a very annoying issue, do you have any awared of it?

For example: i want to type the English word " Window", i will type in keyboard like " WWindow " using Vietnamese Telex, and this is how Telex always work. but:

When i mistyped the word ''Window'' to, say... ''Winkow'' and PRESS the Space bar. When i realized my mistyped, what i usually do is i will backspace till it only appear as ''Win" and start retyping it. BUT WHEN, i press the " d " button. It immidiately doubled itself, so now it will looks like " WinWind ". This also applied to other misspelled Vietnamese word. Misspelled something and then retyping it, it will immidiately doubled itself, the solution is to delete the whole word and retyped the whole word, that's to me is very annoying.​

In the past, when Microsoft wasn't supported Vietnamese Telex, i use another software to type Vietnamese Telex (which were VERY popular in our country) it doesn't have this issue when we tried to retyped a word. So what i ask is can you check and fix this issue?​

Note that: i aleardy disabled all option in Spelling and Typing from this thread but i still having that issue, it happens everywhere, not just Chrome, every sofware that need to use a keyboard to chat or type.

I will await your reply.

Best Regards


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