Install-windowsfeature rsat-adds The referenced assembly could not be found. Error: 0x80073701



Dear experts

Trying to install RSAT-ADDS feature with bot GUI and PS but failing every time:

The referenced assembly could not be found. Error: 0x80073701
At line:1 char:1
+ install-windowsfeature rsat-adds
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (@{Vhd=; Credent...Name=localhost}:pSObject) [Install-WindowsFeature],
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DISMAPI_Error__Failed_To_Enable_Updates,Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.AddWindowsFeatureCommand

In C:\Windows\logs\CBS\CBS.log I have the following:

2019-08-22 12:16:32, Error CSI 00000008@2019/8/22:10:16:32.139 (F) onecore\base\wcp\componentstore\csd_locking.cpp(200): Error STATUS_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING originated in function CCSDirectTransaction::LockComponent expression: (null)
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Added C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log to WER report.
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Added C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CbsPersist_20190822083249.log to WER report.
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Added C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CbsPersist_20190822065755.log to WER report.
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Added C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CbsPersist_20190529085752.log to WER report.
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Added C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\ to WER report.
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Added C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\ to WER report.
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Not able to add pending.xml to Windows Error Report. [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Not able to add pending.xml.bad to Windows Error Report. [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Error CSI 00000009 (F) STATUS_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING #55154# from CCSDirectTransaction::OperateEnding at index 0 of 1 operations, disposition 2[gle=0xd015000c]
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Error CSI 0000000a (F) HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING) #55002# from Windows::ServicingAPI::CCSITransaction::ICSITransaction_PinDeployment(Flags = 0, a = 0545d72208e17762a4d68e95c0d5e4a7, version 10.0.14393.2485, arch amd64, nonSxS, pkt {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, cb = (null), s = (null), rid = 'Package_4836_for_KB4457131~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~', rah = '2', manpath = (null), catpath = (null), ed = 0, disp = 0)[gle=0x80073701]
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Failed to pin deployment while resolving Update: Package_4836_for_KB4457131~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ from file: (null) [HRESULT = 0x80073701 - ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING]
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Failed to bulk stage deployment manifest and pin deployment for package:package_6872_for_KB4494440~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ [HRESULT = 0x80073701 - ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING]
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS CommitPackagesState: Started persisting state of packages
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS CommitPackagesState: Completed persisting state of packages
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CSI 0000000b@2019/8/22:10:16:32.186 CSI Transaction @0x1faef4bb240 destroyed
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Perf: Resolve chain complete.
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Failed to resolve execution chain. [HRESULT = 0x80073701 - ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING]
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Error CBS Failed to process single phase execution. [HRESULT = 0x80073701 - ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING]
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS WER: Generating failure report for package: Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.14393.0, status: 0x80073701, failure source: Resolve, start state: Installed, target state: Installed, client id: DISM Package Manager Provider
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info CBS Not able to query DisableWerReporting flag. Assuming not set... [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]

And in C:\Windows\logs\DISM\DISM.log I have this:

2019-08-22 12:16:31, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6784 TID=6488 CBS session options=0x40100! - CDISMPackageManager::Internal_Finalize
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6784 TID=6476 Error in operation: (null) (CBS HRESULT=0x80073701) - CCbsConUIHandler::Error
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6784 TID=6488 Failed finalizing changes. - CDISMPackageManager::Internal_Finalize(hr:0x80073701)
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6784 TID=6488 Failed processing package changes with session options - CDISMPackageManager::processChangesWithOptions(hr:0x80073701)
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Error DISM API: PID=6608 TID=6604 Failed to process features change - CEnableDisableFeatureCommandObject::InternalExecute(hr:0x80073701)
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Error DISM API: PID=6608 TID=6604 InternalExecute failed - CBaseCommandObject::Execute(hr:0x80073701)
2019-08-22 12:16:32, Error DISM API: PID=6608 TID=6668 CEnableDisableFeatureCommandObject internal execution failed - DismEnableDisableFeatureInternal(hr:0x80073701)

I have seen reference to languages in other cases out there but when running lpksetup.exe it only shows one language: English (English)

I have tried to install feature and point out source WIM from install media but no luck.

Have also tried:

Run dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
Run dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth
Run dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
Run dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth/source:WIM:E:\sources\install.wim:1 /limitaccess

Run sfc /scannow

If I run a new installation on top it works but this does not feel like a correct solution to this issue as it is the same from all our newly built servers.

Any suggestions or comments most welcome!



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