Default Gateway is Not Available - NOTHING WORKS(event log included)



Tried all of the troubleshooting tips...finally did a repair reset of Windows as a last resort - still nothing. Getting frequent and random disconnects every ten or so minutes. Was having this issue before the latest massive OS update, and seemed to be able to fix via one of the methods - but now nothing seems to work.

I'd be very appreciative of any assistance that could be offered!

File Name: F484519A-4F92-486F-A0CC-9A2D6F2EAB0A.Repair.1.etl

Detection details

Diagnostics Information (Network Adapter)
Details about network adapter diagnosis:

Network adapter Wi-Fi driver information:

Description . . . . . . . . . . : NETGEAR A7000 WiFi USB3.0 Adapter
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . : NETGEAR Inc.
Provider . . . . . . . . . . . : NETGEAR Inc.
Version . . . . . . . . . . . : 1030.25.701.2017
Inf File Name . . . . . . . . . : C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem11.inf
Inf File Date . . . . . . . . . : Sunday, August 18, 2019 8:51:40 PM
Section Name . . . . . . . . . : RTL8814au.ndi
Hardware ID . . . . . . . . . . : usb\vid_0846&pid_9054
Instance Status Flags . . . . . : 0x180600a
Device Manager Status Code . . : 0
IfType . . . . . . . . . . . . : 71
Physical Media Type . . . . . . : 9

Diagnostics Information (Wireless Connectivity)
Details about wireless connectivity diagnosis:

Information for connection being diagnosed
Interface GUID: e03b8f5a-2c51-4419-ace8-a74fcc099f76
Interface name: NETGEAR A7000 WiFi USB3.0 Adapter
Interface type: Native Wi-Fi

Connection incident diagnosed
Auto Configuration ID: 1
Connection ID: 1

Connection status summary
Connection started at: 2019-08-23 03:52:32-374
Profile match: Success
Pre-Association: Success
Association: Success
Security and Authentication: Success

List of visible access point(s): 29 item(s) total, 29 item(s) displayed
BSSID BSS Type PHY Signal(dB) Chnl/freq SSID
48-5D-36-52-BE-FE Infra <unknown> -85 5660000 FiOS-W7AGF-5G
4A-5D-36-52-BE-FF Infra <unknown> -82 5660000 (Unnamed Network)
92-AD-43-68-86-78 Infra <unknown> -73 1 xfinitywifi
4C-8B-30-A2-4E-06 Infra <unknown> -72 5540000 FiOS-W7AGF-5G
9E-AD-43-68-86-78 Infra <unknown> -71 1 (Unnamed Network)
20-C0-47-29-31-4C Infra <unknown> -72 5660000 Fios-SI6BV-5G
9C-34-26-99-F4-7E Infra <unknown> -72 5240000 mobygrape
88-AD-43-68-86-80 Infra <unknown> -71 5805000 DavidK
DE-34-26-99-F4-7E Infra <unknown> -71 5240000 (Unnamed Network)
BE-34-26-99-F4-7E Infra <unknown> -72 5240000 (Unnamed Network)
CE-34-26-99-F4-7E Infra <unknown> -73 5240000 XFINITY
8E-AD-43-68-86-80 Infra <unknown> -70 5805000 (Unnamed Network)
AE-34-26-99-F4-7E Infra <unknown> -70 5240000 xfinitywifi
92-AD-43-68-86-80 Infra <unknown> -70 5805000 XFINITY
AE-34-26-99-F4-78 Infra <unknown> -68 6 xfinitywifi
9A-AD-43-68-86-80 Infra <unknown> -70 5805000 xfinitywifi
BE-34-26-99-F4-78 Infra <unknown> -66 6 (Unnamed Network)
20-C0-47-54-EE-CE Infra <unknown> -66 5180000 Fios-WD0QF-5G
DE-34-26-99-F4-78 Infra <unknown> -65 6 (Unnamed Network)
9C-34-26-99-F4-78 Infra <unknown> -62 6 mobygrape
F2-81-73-19-63-6B Infra <unknown> -52 5240000 (Unnamed Network)
50-C7-BF-CC-B1-B8 Infra <unknown> -55 1 VOLVO
48-5D-36-F7-CF-D4 Infra <unknown> -44 11 FiOS-YEZBH
00-7F-28-2E-19-E8 Infra <unknown> -50 6 9JW96
20-C0-47-52-BC-12 Infra <unknown> -55 1 Fios-WEYA4
48-5D-36-F7-CF-D2 Infra <unknown> -50 5180000 FiOS-YEZBH-5G
50-C7-BF-CC-B1-B7 Infra <unknown> -51 5180000 VOLVO-5G
22-C0-47-52-BC-11 Infra <unknown> -53 5240000 (Unnamed Network)
20-C0-47-52-BC-10 Infra <unknown> -50 5240000 Fios-WEYA4-5G

Connection History

Information for Auto Configuration ID 1

List of visible networks: 18 item(s) total, 18 item(s) displayed
BSS Type PHY Security Signal(RSSI) Compatible SSID
Infra <unknown> Yes 100 Yes (Unnamed Network)
Infra <unknown> Yes 62 Yes FiOS-W7AGF-5G
Infra <unknown> No 72 Yes xfinitywifi
Infra <unknown> Yes 63 Yes Fios-SI6BV-5G
Infra <unknown> Yes 70 Yes XFINITY
Infra <unknown> Yes 71 Yes (Unnamed Network)
Infra <unknown> Yes 70 Yes mobygrape
Infra <unknown> Yes 70 Yes Fios-WD0QF-5G
Infra <unknown> Yes 70 Yes DavidK
Infra <unknown> Yes 82 Yes (Unnamed Network)
Infra <unknown> Yes 88 Yes Fios-WEYA4
Infra <unknown> Yes 92 Yes VOLVO
Infra <unknown> Yes 96 Yes 9JW96
Infra <unknown> Yes 98 Yes Fios-WEYA4-5G
Infra <unknown> Yes 100 Yes FiOS-YEZBH
Infra <unknown> Yes 100 Yes FiOS-YEZBH-5G
Infra <unknown> Yes 100 Yes VOLVO-5G
Infra <unknown> Yes 62 Yes FiOS-W7AGF

List of preferred networks: 2 item(s)
Profile: xfinitywifi
SSID: xfinitywifi
SSID length: 11
Connection mode: Infra
Security: No
Set by group policy: No
Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
Connectable: No
Reason: 0x00028001
Profile: Fios-WEYA4-5G
SSID length: 13
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Set by group policy: No
Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
Connectable: Yes

Information for Connection ID 1
Connection started at: 2019-08-23 03:52:32-374
Auto Configuration ID: 1
Profile: Fios-WEYA4-5G
SSID length: 13
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Pre-Association and Association
Connectivity settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
Security settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
Profile matches network requirements: Success
Pre-association status: Success
Association status: Success
Last AP: 20-c0-47-52-bc-10
Security and Authentication
Configured security type: WPA2-PSK
Configured encryption type: CCMP(AES)
802.1X protocol: No
Key exchange initiated: Yes
Unicast key received: Yes
Multicast key received: Yes
Number of security packets received: 0
Number of security packets sent: 0
Security attempt status: Success
Packet statistics
Ndis Rx: 15786503
Ndis Tx: 3938623
Unicast decrypt success: 118
Multicast decrypt success: 0
Unicast decrypt failure: 0
Multicast decrypt failure: 0
Rx success: 543
Rx failure: 0
Tx success: 954
Tx failure: 0
Tx retry: 0
Tx multiple retry: 0
Tx max lifetime exceeded: 0
Tx ACK failure: 0
Roaming history: 1 item(s)
Times: 2019-08-23 04:41:26-247
Roamed from BSSID: 20-c0-47-52-bc-10
Reason: 0x00020000

Diagnostics Information (Wireless Connectivity)
Details about wireless connectivity diagnosis:

For complete information about this session see the wireless connectivity information event.

Helper Class: Auto Configuration
Initialize status: Success

Information for connection being diagnosed
Interface GUID: e03b8f5a-2c51-4419-ace8-a74fcc099f76
Interface name: NETGEAR A7000 WiFi USB3.0 Adapter
Interface type: Native Wi-Fi

Result of diagnosis: There may be problem

Diagnostics Information (Wireless Network Adapter)
Details about wireless network adapter diagnosis:

For complete information about this session see the wireless connectivity information event.

Helper Class: Native Wi-Fi MSM
Initialize status: Success

Information for connection being diagnosed
Interface GUID: e03b8f5a-2c51-4419-ace8-a74fcc099f76
Interface name: NETGEAR A7000 WiFi USB3.0 Adapter
Interface type: Native Wi-Fi
Profile: Fios-WEYA4-5G
SSID length: 13
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No

Result of diagnosis: There may be problem

Network Diagnostics Log
File Name: F484519A-4F92-486F-A0CC-9A2D6F2EAB0A.Diagnose.0.etl

Other Networking Configuration and Logs
File Name:

Collection information
Computer Name: DESKTOP-NC4BNO3
Windows Version: 10.0
Architecture: x64
Time: Friday, August 23, 2019 4:44:37 AM

Publisher details

Windows Network Diagnostics
Detects problems with network connectivity.
Package Version: 4.0
Publisher: Microsoft Windows

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