After May 2019 Windows 10 Update file explorer will not allow deletion of some folders citing Permissions as the cause.



I am using a standalone system running an up to date Windows 10 in a residential environment with no networking or sharing configured.

The only thing that changed was the installation of an automatic Windows 10 update

Prior to this there was never any problem deleting or any hint of any incongruity with permissions

In all relevant security tabs (every folder) I have only two users and both have Full Control: 1. Administrators (SYS-HP\Administrators), 2. User1 (SYS-HP\User1).

After May 2019 Windows 10 Update file explorer will not allow deletion of some folders citing Permissions as the cause.

Ways i have successfully circumvented the scenario (which are not suitable as long term solutions because the added steps/time force major inefficiency into and complicate workflow):

I can delete the folder if I enter into it, delete the video file, then back out one step

I can delete the folder if I 'switch user and log in as' Administrator

I can delete the folder if, while logged in as Administrator, I disable all inheritance, remove all ownership, then add back the same ownership & permissions then log back in as local user (Administrators group)

then as soon as I download a new video folder I cannot easily delete it and have to follow one of the three exception protocols above to accomplish deletion

All standard advice re permissions (taking and granting of ownership) has failed to rectify

taking ownership (manually and with the "Take Ownership" batch file that inserts into the right click menu)

granting ownership (from top down and bottom up)

registry clean

and every moderators or users advice from google and forum entries

Any new advice before I format and reinstall OS would be appreciated.

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