a indian man trying to hack my windows 10 laptop via my recycle bin operating my pc remotely and calling our house stating we are been ip adress hacke



hi we keep receving phone calls from a indian man stating our ip address has bee hacked and wants to operate my lap top remotely to resolve this he keeps asking me to open my recycle bin as ime thinking this is where they have discovered a vunrability to hack windows pc,s he calls off 02476685616 number saying he can resolve my issues but we keep ignoring him but now he is making our divices lose internet connection constantly to make us accept what he is saying as the truth yet he doesent no who our internet provider is or anything like any information regarding what devices we are using via wifi our phones seem more vunerable as these are the divices most affected so can somone from Microsoft please let me no how somone can hack our windows 10 laptop via my recycle bin while he is on the phone at the same time and how can we stop him as this has been happening for weeks now and is affecting all windows divices my nokia lumier phone xbox one and our laptops so please can you help us.

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