Windows 10 64-bit Installation Media does not boot, attempting to upgrade from 32bit



I have a Dell Dimension E520, Celeron processor so 64 bit, 4GB memory. Low spec, so slow, but it works. Set up to dual boot Linux (Mint) 64 bit and Windows 10 (now 1903) 32 bit: I wish to upgrade Windows on it to 64-bit (W10 1903).

Downloaded and created Windows 10 1903 (64 bit) installation media, both USB & DVD ('ESD_ISO').

On attempting to boot these, the Windows logo (4 blue panes) comes up and sits for a while, then PC restarts... and round we go again.

I get neither the blue 'choose options' screen I expect (to let me go forward), nor any error message, nor any spinning dots.

An older 64 bit W10 install DVD does the same.

W10 32-bit, W7 64 bit and Linux (64bit) install DVDs all work, i.e. get to a 'what do you want to do to install' type screen.

Trying to boot the Windows 10 1903 (64 bit) installation media on other PCs does lead to the expected blue 'choose options' screen.

Any ideas as to how to proceed?

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