How To Stop UPDATEORCHESTRATOR From Waking PC/Laptop



So I was going crazy trying to find what was waking my PC when it was 'sleeping'. Turned out it was 'UPDATEORCHESTRATOR.

I was running into every issue trying to just modify it in Task Scheduler (was getting a prompt asking me for credentials of User S-1-something or other and it didn't help to change to my own or even do it from the hidden ADMIN account)

I did quite a few searches trying to get it to stop but some of them wanted me to go outside of Microsoft and DL some 3rd party program, others just gave advice that did nothing, another answer was to stop windows update completely, and the most frustrating was the answer that we would get more help submitting to the Feedback Hub (which I have never had any replies asking for more info once I submitted anything).

I stumbled across this thread to use PSTools from Microsoft to disable it. The first time I tried it errored out (see pic 1). I then followed it again and this time disabled wifi. This seemed to actually work but then as soon as I turned wifi back on my laptop froze.

I had to do the steps again after hard power down of my laptop, disable wifi then restart my machine then I was able to re-enable wifi.

I am including the steps here with the extra steps I had to take in case anyone else is trying to do this, they dont go as agro as I did when my machine froze up.

  • First go here to download PsTools. Extract it to a folder on your desktop.
  • Open Start and type cmd. Right-click the program and choose to run as administrator.
  • Navigate to the folder where you extracted the tools by typing "cd C:\Users\Username\Desktop\Pstools", replace Username with your username and Pstools with the folder where you extracted the tools.
  • Disable WiFi (dont know if this is required if you have a hard line)
  • When you have navigated to the correct folder, copy the following command without the quotes: "psexec.exe -i -s %windir%\system32\mmc.exe /s taskschd.msc".
  • Open the command window and right click, choose paste. Press enter.
  • Navigate to Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> UpdateOrchestrator.
  • Right click the task called Reboot and click on Disable.
  • Restart your machine and then you can re-enable wifi.
  • The task should now be disabled.

Thanks to drumz0rz for posting this fix in several places around the net too! I am just adding the part to disable WiFi for anyone running inot the issues I have had.

Here is the error I got when trying to run the command with wifi enabled:


Anyhow, it would be great for Microsoft to understand some of us have to put our laptops away in backpacks and closed cases and if it wakes up in those areas we are looking at the real possibility of it over heating and ruining our machines.

How many of those reading this are in this group and would like Microsoft to fix this so we dont loose machines we paid $500 or more for?

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