Random Program Crashes, Occasional blue screen



Hello all,
I've been having an issue for the past few months that has me on my wits end. I'm currently running windows 10 and randomly, programs such as games will crash or lead to a blue screen. I've tried a number of things but the only thing that worked for a time was changing my hard drive. I can replicate the issue fairly frequently by trying to load a more graphically intensive game such as monster hunter: world. I get returned to desktop with no crash dialogue or information. Sometimes a mozilla tab will crash then i instantly blue screen.
I've bought a new power supply and this did not solve the issue. I have ran windows memory diagnostic and this didn't fix it. I've tried slotting out one RAM card at a time and that was not the issue. I've updated and uninstalled and reinstalled every driver I can find. I have reset windows twice. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the programs numerous times and yet nothing.

It's not an issue of the PC simply not being able to handle the programs as when I first got the pc it ran everything fine, but for about 4 months i've been having this issue with no luck resolving it.

Chkdsk on the E: drive seems to hand on stage 4, searching for bad clusters and I have yet to be able to completely do it on that, so that may have something to do with the issue.
If anyone has any ideas at all i'd greatly appreciate it.

OS:Windows 10
Power Supply:Corsair RM 850x
RAM:Corsair Vengeance 16GB
Motherboard:Asus P8Z77-V LLX
SSD:Gigabyte Solid State Drive
Hard Drive:Seagate 2TB external
Graphics Card:Radeon AMD Sapphire R9
CPU: Intel I7 3770K

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