How to download Windows 10 version 1903 on slow internet connection?



I have an HP 64-bit laptop, running Windows 10 Home, version 1803, with 12gb memory, and 2T hard drive.

I made the mistake of clicking on Check for Updates in Windows Update and it started downloading the 1903 version, which I didn't have a problem with until, it hogged my computer so much that I had no other internet access for over four (4) DAYS. Yes, days. I have a slow internet connection but that is ridiculous, actually way beyond ridiculous.

I have better things to do with my computer. I couldn't even play a game, not connected to the internet, without Windows Update saying it could not install because my pc was turned off. Trust me, I never turn my pc off. It was on this entire time. Then when it gave me that message, Windows Update would start initializing and then start downloading again at some previous percentage point. At one point it went from 48% back to 27%, another time it went from 84% back to 72%, it did that twice. Then this morning, it went from 100%, which it had sat at for over 3 hours, began initializing again and went back to 72%. I'd wasted way too much of my time with MS at this point, so I went searching on how to prevent this thing (I cleaned that up a lot for those of you with squeamish stomachs), from downloading and installing.

After doing some reading on the internet, I decided I don't want it to install either because I have Realtek drivers on my laptop and I don't want them screwed up, which this update seems to do. It's rather sad that MS can't release a product without it obviously being okay that their customers suffer sometimes major problems and also expecting their customers to debug their release for them. Isn't that what they are getting paid the big bucks for?

I found that supposedly the only way for someone running Windows 10 Home to prevent this from being downloaded is to set the connection to Metered. That is what I did.

So now, my question is, if at some future date, a year or so from now when the 1903 version works without causing me problems with my drivers, and I decide I do want it to install, is there a way that I can download it, maybe a few routines at a time, so that it doesn't tie up my laptop for days? As I said, I have a slow internet connection. Download speed is about 30 kb/s on a good day.

Or is it possible to take a data stick to an internet cafe where I could pay for a high speed download and install it from the data stick? Although that would probably cost me an arm and leg for a high speed download of that size. I read that it is over 4gb.

Thanks for all your suggestions. Your time is greatly appreciated.

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