Microsoft ruined my PC?



So, some background. I built a brand new PC at the start of September. Finished putting it together and worked like a charm. I'm using a 970 pro ssd to run my OS and everything and it booted up in a snap. A few days later, I had a small question with a simple answer, but instead I got a computer that is running slower a week later. The first adviser that I chatted with ended up having me do something to my computer and left out a key point. I had done and restarted my pc like the agent told me to. After the restart, my computer was loading up slow, programs were taking a while to load up, my peripherals weren't syncing up, and my cpu (which normally ran at 35-50C depending on the usage) was running at a hot 89C for a good while. I did a system restore of windows, which mostly fixed my problems. And boy, I wish I just left it at that.

I decided to contact a second agent to ask if they'd know if any possible damages could have come from what the last agent had me do, as well as if they had any ideas for my original problem, which at this point is just irrelevant (and that I figured out later). This second agent didin't tell me anything about possible damages and told me to do what the first agent had me do but included the key point and had me reinstall windows. "Oh this will surely help my PC and probably fix everything." I didn't necessarily think that, as I created a restore point before the chat (though guess what, reinstalling windows deletes those restore points) and we went ahead with the re-installation. We did this and not much changed. It was still running slower than originally and I just left it at that for a couple days.

I decided to try and get in touch with someone that was more than just an adviser, which took a while after chatting with a couple other advisers that don't have much to do with relevant info for this case. I was curious again about anything that was possibly wrong because it was bothering me.

Skipping to last night, I was talking to an advocate. I wanted to completely wipe my ssd of everything including my OS. (The first time I kept personal files) and this guy had me do a clean reinstall. He walked me through it all, and I'm not sure what could have possibly happened, but after we got the media creation tool onto one of my USBs, I restarted my PC, and started to try and get a new boot going for windows when my cpu decided to heat back up to 89C. It stayed at that temp the whole time windows was reinstalling on my pc (which took noticeably longer than the first time I did it). I thought something weird was going on, because during the reinstall, *and I have an Asus program that has a little Icon that is always on screen down next to the windows notification icon) that the icon was still on my monitor and still functioning normal during the whole thing. Which I thought was weird. Another thing which was the only thing I could physically see during the reinstall was my RGB system which *requires software to sync, was still synced throughout and after I booted up. It was getting late, so I just left it how it was (since the agent and myself were disconnected cause I, ya know, reinstalled windows) for the night to go back to it the next morning.

Finally, today. I had to talk to 4 agents, two of which were level 2 agents or something like that. The first guy I talked to I thought was really helping me. We tried clearing my ssd in the command prompt, but that didn't work because it had an OS on it and whatnot. Which is what I really wanted to do to hopefully get a 100% clean reset of my drive and everything. We ended up re-downloading the media creation tool to my ssd via my laptop and then booting it up onto my pc with a clean install. We cleared partitions and whatnot and had clear drives. I didn't have much hope but I thought it could justttt possibly work. Spoiler alert: It did not. As we got my system up and running (had a remote access thing with the second lvl 2 agent) right off the bat programs were loading slow, my cpu still running hot, and my cursor was lagging days behind when I moved my mouse. (yes, even after I stopped the remote access). And I thought, ok what not. Well, what happened was my motherboard (which displays the temp of my cpu) was showing the constant 89C, and then all of a sudden, 0C. Which kind of freaked me out. My pc was going really slow, the temp number went to a few random numbers and back up to 89C. I turned it off and haven't turned it back on since that happened a few hours ago. I've spent well over 13 hours in these chats, so there goes some useful homework and project time.

So now what? I've been contacting the companies I've purchased my parts from about warranties (which should all be open to replacing any possibly damaged parts as they are all brand new), and I'll be taking my pc to a Microsoft store an -hour away because apparently nothing else can be done for me... I'm a kid in college who just spent $3000 on a new computer and definitely can not afford new parts. I need the computer to get my work, schoolwork, and streaming done, and I don't want to turn it on right now after all that so I don't 'risk' anything... Any tips or advice?

I'm talking to my relative that works with PCs a lot and hopefully he can help me fix this without having to go anywhere or getting new parts. Because that'd just be a bummer.

(sorry for such a long post btw <.<)

For anyone looking for a spec sheet:

Intel core i9-9900k

Asus ROG Maximus XI Extreme MB

Thermaltake Water 3.0 ARGB Sync - AIO Cooler

Samsung 970 Pro (1TB) (OS)
Seagate Firecuda SSHD (2TB)

EVGA FTW3 Ultra 2080 Super

And have 16GB of DDR4 3600 ram and 1050w psu

UPDATE: After yesterday and today of my cpu not wanting to go below 87C, (and after having it on just now to check something, with the cpu at 89C), I shut down the pc and restarted it and now randomly it wants to sit at a nice 33C and has not changed in the last 10 minutes??? I haven't done anything and I'm sitting with just the background on right now. But I'm so confused. I think I'm going to just pretend like the last week never happened, hope for the best that nothing is damaged (also saw the comment, thanks, no capacitors were bulging), and just accept a slightly slower pc than it was originally. Thanks for responding and wish me luck that the computer stays like this. I think I'm done trying to get it to as fast it was originally lol... *Insert dog in burning house meme here* *Everything is fine*

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