ALT Key is Virtually Held Down


o T Slice o

So about a week ago, I noticed that my keyboard started acting strange. For the record, I'm using a Razer Blackwidow Ultimate keyboard, but that doesn't matter because this happens on all keyboards that i've tried. The problem is, whenever I press the Windows key and the Alt key, my Alt key becomes 'virtually' stuck. This means i can't input any text, the computer essentially thinks i'm holding down the Alt key.

  • I know it's not a sticky key because I tried this on different keyboards.
  • I know it's the Alt key because I looked up the Alt key shortcuts for Microsoft Edge and they all match (For example, pressing the D key highlights the address bar), and double clicking on Desktop shortcuts will open their properties.
  • It's not Sticky Keys or any of those settings on Windows because, you know, that's the first thing i checked...
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling the Keyboard Drivers didn't help.
  • Virus scans showed everything was fine.
  • I've checked everywhere online for solutions and there doesn't seem to be anyone with a solution (or even my exact problem).

The weirdest part is the solution: I have to open the on-screen keyboard, click on the Windows key twice, then logout with Win + L and log back in and everything is back to normal (for now). Another solution that worked for a little while was uninstalling Razer SDK Core Components, but then even without Razer software, this problem would occur. This wouldn't just occur when i pressed Win + Alt however, it would still happen after a random amount of time and i would have to do that on-screen keyboard method to fix it. It would even happen while starting up my computer, preventing me from inputting my password, and it even occurred when i was trying to reinstall windows.

I just factory reset my whole computer and lo and behold, this problem is still here. I'm about to lose my mind at this point. What on Earth could POSSIBLY be causing this to happen. If it's a problem with my motherboard or something, how can I even check/fix that. If formatting my HDD and SSD and reinstalling Windows didn't work, then what is the problem.

TL:DR - Pressing Windows Key and Alt simultaneously causes my Alt key to be held down virtually.

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