Rasheed al Fagih should copy her minus the relationship

  • Thread starter Colonel K. B. Semidey, A.T.R.
  • Start date

Colonel K. B. Semidey, A.T.R.

Reply by email, filling out this form and emailing it to me.
Trimming off the rest of this post is unnecessary.

I will guarantee anonymity except in cases of blatant abuse.
I will achieve anonymity by tallying the results in
uncorrelated tabulations and then deleting the emails.
(I know this loses interesting correlation data, but if
resondents want anonymity it's hard to avoid.)
I know that this anonymity promise depends on trust and that
you have no particular reason to trust me. Someday, I hope.
I will post results Saturday.

xxxxxxxx beginning of survey xxxxxxxx

yes( ) ( )no Should RoadRunner be subjected to some kind of UDP?
yes( ) ( )no ... active UDP (cancels) ?
yes( ) ( )no ... passive UDP (drop messages) ?
yes( ) ( )no ... all-groups UDP? (as opposed to specific groups)
yes( ) ( )no Are you a Usenet sysadmin? How big:_ How long:_
yes( ) ( )no Should another server be subjected to UDP? Who:_
yes( ) ( )no Should UDPs be used more often?
yes( ) ( )no Should UDPs be used less often?
yes( ) ( )no Would you have answered this survey without anonymity?

xxxxxxxx end of survey xxxxxxxx

We do not need to watch endlessly for we are
both enfeebled in health."
I agreed with the utmost alacrity. I merely needed to
know what sort of person it was from whom I was going
to take over. For me there was no interest whatever in
prying into the affairs of another. We moved along the
Record, halted experimentally, and moved on again. The
morning light was besmirched by the smoke of many fires.
The night hours had been an inferno. It seemed that half
London was ablaze. The man walked down the debris-
littered street, a street that had been heavily bombed. At a
temporary barricade a War Reserve policeman stopped him.
"You cannot go any farther, sir, the buildings are danger-
ous." We saw the Managing Director arrive and speak to
the man whose life we were watching. With a word to the
policeman, they ducked under the rope and walked together
to the shattered building. Water was spraying over all the
stock from broken pipes. Plumbing and electric wires were
inextricably entwined, like a skein of wool with which a
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