Windows Preotection Error? Whoa!



Just started getting this message upon startup TODAY!!! There's no VxD or
other descriptive text with the error. Here's what happened (at least twice


The computer is OFF. I hit the power button, get the IBM splash screen and
then Windows begins to load. All normal stuff. As Windows loads, the boot
screen (in my case, a modified logo.sys) pops up and all the various drivers
begin to load as is evident by the flashing lights on the various hardware
hooked up through the USB. Again, all normal stuff. Then the boot screen
then turns to a black screen (normal again) but instead of Windows continuing
to load and show the logon screen, the black screen just hangs there
indefinitely with no disk activity. So, I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and that's when
the Windows protection error pops up. All is says is:

Windows Protection Error. Restart your computer

Something very close to that anyway. Hitting enter shuts the computer off
and then I hit the power button to restart all over again. This time,
however, since Windows did not finish loading on the last startup, I get the
options to start in safe mode, logged, normal, bla bla know what I
mean! So, I choose normal mode. This time Windows loads fine! No problems.
I enter a password for one of the profiles and get the desktop and
everything is still fine. Then I go to the Windows menu (sorry...start menu)
and choose Shut Down > Restart. Again, everything loads fine! Now, after
I've logged in again, I choose to Shut Down > Shut Down. The computer shuts
down fine and I leave it for a few hours. Come back and startup and guess
what...go back to INTRO! I cannot figure it out! I've made so many changes
in the last 24 hours I cannot pin point it. I've created users, deleted
users and re-created users. I've changed the startup options in MSCONFIG
(limiting how many programs start up in the selective startup option) and
added a value in the registry to block Windows from loading without a un/pw
(although I did add that value more than a day ago and everything went fine).

My only other thoughts...bad memory? Bad motherboard? Some other hardware
malfunction? CPU perhaps? (By the way, when I watch my CPU usage via System
Monitor, my CPU is ALWAYS at 100%! What's with that??? It's been like that
ever since I can remember! Even in an idle state!). I'm beginning to think
that it's a hardware problem more than anything, but I could be WAY OFF base.
Another clue that some hardware is not functioning properly...When I go to
empty the recycle bin, it takes about five seconds to empty! It should be
instantly, I think. Again, it's been doing this for a very long time. Since
I got a new 40 gig hard drive actually. It's partitioned into three...C:\
(WINDOWS) = 3.03 gigs D:\ = 1.08 gigs E:\ = ummm, actually I don't remember
how big it is. It's the remainder anyway.

How's that for a detailed question! Any advice? My wife phoned me a few
hours ago and said the computer started fine for her. I have other theories,
but they are probably so absurd that even alien abduction would seem more

Brian A.

"Paradoxdb3" <> wrote in message
> Just started getting this message upon startup TODAY!!! There's no VxD or
> other descriptive text with the error. Here's what happened (at least twice
> today).
> The computer is OFF. I hit the power button, get the IBM splash screen and
> then Windows begins to load. All normal stuff. As Windows loads, the boot
> screen (in my case, a modified logo.sys) pops up and all the various drivers
> begin to load as is evident by the flashing lights on the various hardware
> hooked up through the USB. Again, all normal stuff. Then the boot screen
> then turns to a black screen (normal again) but instead of Windows continuing
> to load and show the logon screen, the black screen just hangs there
> indefinitely with no disk activity. So, I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and that's when
> the Windows protection error pops up. All is says is:
> Windows Protection Error. Restart your computer
> Something very close to that anyway. Hitting enter shuts the computer off
> and then I hit the power button to restart all over again. This time,
> however, since Windows did not finish loading on the last startup, I get the
> options to start in safe mode, logged, normal, bla bla know what I
> mean! So, I choose normal mode. This time Windows loads fine! No problems.
> I enter a password for one of the profiles and get the desktop and
> everything is still fine. Then I go to the Windows menu (sorry...start menu)
> and choose Shut Down > Restart. Again, everything loads fine! Now, after
> I've logged in again, I choose to Shut Down > Shut Down. The computer shuts
> down fine and I leave it for a few hours. Come back and startup and guess
> what...go back to INTRO! I cannot figure it out! I've made so many changes
> in the last 24 hours I cannot pin point it. I've created users, deleted
> users and re-created users. I've changed the startup options in MSCONFIG
> (limiting how many programs start up in the selective startup option) and
> added a value in the registry to block Windows from loading without a un/pw
> (although I did add that value more than a day ago and everything went fine).
> My only other thoughts...bad memory? Bad motherboard? Some other hardware
> malfunction? CPU perhaps? (By the way, when I watch my CPU usage via System
> Monitor, my CPU is ALWAYS at 100%! What's with that??? It's been like that
> ever since I can remember! Even in an idle state!). I'm beginning to think
> that it's a hardware problem more than anything, but I could be WAY OFF base.
> Another clue that some hardware is not functioning properly...When I go to
> empty the recycle bin, it takes about five seconds to empty! It should be
> instantly, I think. Again, it's been doing this for a very long time. Since
> I got a new 40 gig hard drive actually. It's partitioned into three...C:\
> (WINDOWS) = 3.03 gigs D:\ = 1.08 gigs E:\ = ummm, actually I don't remember
> how big it is. It's the remainder anyway.
> How's that for a detailed question! Any advice? My wife phoned me a few
> hours ago and said the computer started fine for her. I have other theories,
> but they are probably so absurd that even alien abduction would seem more
> plausable!

Troubleshooting Windows 98 Startup Problems

How to Perform Clean-Boot Troubleshooting for Windows 98

Also read “Clean Boot -- What it is and why you need it” by MS MVP Gary Terhune.

Windows 98 or Windows 95 Defaults to Safe Mode Even After Successful Start

The Computer Always Starts in Safe Mode


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
How to ask a question:


Paradoxdb3 wrote:

> (By the way, when I watch my
> CPU usage via System Monitor, my CPU is ALWAYS at 100%! What's
> with that???

Are you using a software cooler? If not, a program such as TaskInfo
will show you what is using the CPU and how much.



dadiOH's dandies v3.06...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at


As far as the CPU usage...I actually downloaded and installed WinTop. It
says that "Idle" is using 99% of the CPU's usage. So, if I'm understanding
correctly, that should be a good thing? That says to me that 99% of the CPU
is idle. System Monitor may be reporting inacurately?

"dadiOH" wrote:

> Paradoxdb3 wrote:
> > (By the way, when I watch my
> > CPU usage via System Monitor, my CPU is ALWAYS at 100%! What's
> > with that???

> Are you using a software cooler? If not, a program such as TaskInfo
> will show you what is using the CPU and how much.
> --
> dadiOH
> ____________________________
> dadiOH's dandies v3.06...
> ....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
> LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
> Get it at


Paradoxdb3 wrote:
| As far as the CPU usage...I actually downloaded and installed WinTop.
| It says that "Idle" is using 99% of the CPU's usage. So, if I'm
| understanding correctly, that should be a good thing? That says to
| me that 99% of the CPU is idle. System Monitor may be reporting
| inacurately?

Others have reported System Monitor is inaccurate with that particular
value. But I have found mine usually to be quite consistent with that of

With NetZero & OE running to write this post...

System Monitor.... Kernal Processor Usage is in the 40%'s.
WinTop................ Idle is in the 60's
Process Explorer... Idle is in the 60's

BUT, Process Explorer, ITSELF, is doing most of that-- without it...

System Monitor.... Kernal Processor Usage is in the 10%'s or lower.
WinTop................ Idle is in the 90's or lower.

| "dadiOH" wrote:
|> Paradoxdb3 wrote:
|> > (By the way, when I watch my
|> > CPU usage via System Monitor, my CPU is ALWAYS at 100%! What's
|> > with that???
|> Are you using a software cooler? If not, a program such as TaskInfo
|> will show you what is using the CPU and how much.
|> --
|> dadiOH
|> ____________________________
|> dadiOH's dandies v3.06...
|> ....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
|> LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
|> Get it at

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"PCR" wrote:

> Others have reported System Monitor is inaccurate with that particular
> value. But I have found mine usually to be quite consistent with that of
> WinTop...
> With NetZero & OE running to write this post...
> System Monitor.... Kernal Processor Usage is in the 40%'s.
> WinTop................ Idle is in the 60's
> Process Explorer... Idle is in the 60's
> BUT, Process Explorer, ITSELF, is doing most of that-- without it...
> System Monitor.... Kernal Processor Usage is in the 10%'s or lower.
> WinTop................ Idle is in the 90's or lower.

See, System Monitor is reporting the opposite for me. When WinTop shows
Idle at 99%, System Monitor also shows CPU usage at 99% (or 100% actually).
I always thought that an "idle" value of 99% would yield a "CPU usage" value
of 1%. Am I right? Or am I reading the Systsem Monitor utility wrong? Is a
CPU usage of 100% good? (Although I can't see that being the case!)


Paradoxdb3 wrote:
| Just started getting this message upon startup TODAY!!! There's no
| VxD or other descriptive text with the error. Here's what happened
| (at least twice today).

It would be worthwhile for you to read through those articles Brian A.
posted. Also, it may be wise to make a full system backup at this point,
if you don't already have one that is current enough-- & even put it on
a separate hard drive like I do or onto a CD or DVD! More below.

| The computer is OFF. I hit the power button, get the IBM splash
| screen and then Windows begins to load. All normal stuff. As
| Windows loads, the boot screen (in my case, a modified logo.sys) pops
| up and all the various drivers begin to load as is evident by the
| flashing lights on the various hardware hooked up through the USB.
| Again, all normal stuff. Then the boot screen then turns to a black
| screen (normal again)

That all sounds normal, yea. Since the boot screen popped up, I'd say
all is well with the MBR (Master Boot Record), the PBR (Partition Boot
Record) & with the jumpers on hard drive(s). You don't have two bootable
partitions do you? Even if so, looks like you are getting the right one
going by you haven't complained about the logo screen. Also, looks
fairly certain all of the important boot files are present in the
partition, since on other occasions you do boot all the way.

What do you mean by USB devices? Have you seen the stuff Colorado wrote
about his USB Enclosure? Can you shut that off prior to booting, which
is the cure for him?

| but instead of Windows continuing to load and
| show the logon screen, the black screen just hangs there indefinitely
| with no disk activity.

Hmm. For occasional sluggish or faulty boots, I might try a Thorough
Scandisk & a Defrag. DON'T let them constantly restart, though! Do you
know all about that? But it won't help, if this is something you caught
from Colorado!

| So, I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and that's when the
| Windows protection error pops up. All is says is:
| Windows Protection Error. Restart your computer

I don't know. I could post articles for that, but I'm not sure it
actually relates to the initial freeze. I'm thinking this one will just
go away on its own when the initial freeze is solved.

| Something very close to that anyway. Hitting enter shuts the
| computer off and then I hit the power button to restart all over
| again. This time, however, since Windows did not finish loading on
| the last startup, I get the options to start in safe mode, logged,
| normal, bla bla know what I mean!

Are you sure you don't get that screen anyway all the time, whether or
not you've had a bad shutdown? That screen is governed by lines in
MSDOS.sys that can be put there with "START, Run, MSConfig, Advanced
button, Enable Startup Menu"-- it's a good screen to have!

It think what you mean is the computer automatically ran a scandisk
because of the crash. What shows up at the bottom of "C:\Scandisk.log"?

| So, I choose normal
| mode. This time Windows loads fine! No problems.

That is very good. And it gives you the opportunity to make a full
system backup.

| I enter a
| password for one of the profiles and get the desktop and everything
| is still fine. Then I go to the Windows menu (sorry...start menu)
| and choose Shut Down > Restart. Again, everything loads fine!

That is very good!

| Now,
| after I've logged in again, I choose to Shut Down > Shut Down. The
| computer shuts down fine and I leave it for a few hours. Come back
| and startup and guess what...go back to INTRO! I cannot figure it
| out! I've made so many changes in the last 24 hours I cannot pin
| point it. I've created users, deleted users and re-created users.

I wish you never did fool with User Profiles! I should have spoken up
soon enough when I first saw you mention that!

| I've changed the startup options in MSCONFIG (limiting how many
| programs start up in the selective startup option) and added a value
| in the registry to block Windows from loading without a un/pw
| (although I did add that value more than a day ago and everything
| went fine).

Opps-- wasn't there a warning about that setting in the thread that
mentioned it? Can you reverse it?

| My only other thoughts...bad memory? Bad motherboard? Some other
| hardware malfunction? CPU perhaps?

Maybe download the hard drive manufacturer's diagnostic software. Here
are the URLs of glee...

You should run the diagnostics for the brand of hard drive that is in
the computer.

If you don't know what brand the drive is, you can download the
limited-use free edition of OnTrack Data Advisor from this location:

When you click the download link on that page for Data Advisor 5.0 Free
edition, you will be taken to a page to register with the OnTrack site,
then you will be able to download the diskette creator file.

The downloads are diskette creators. They are to be run once from a
working Windows system and will guide you through the process of
extracting the Data Advisor onto a 3.5" floppy disk.

Download and Use Instructions:

Hard Drive Diagnostic Programs by Vendor:

The older version of SeaTools, for creating a bootable CD, is here:

Hard Drive Diagnostic Programs by Vendor:

OnTrack Data Advisor:
IBM/Hitachi Drive Fitness Test:
Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools:
Quantum/Maxtor PowerMax:
Seagate SeaTools for DOS:

Glen Ventura, MS MVP W95/98 Systems
......End.of... URLs of Glee...

| (By the way, when I watch my CPU
| usage via System Monitor, my CPU is ALWAYS at 100%! What's with
| that??? It's been like that ever since I can remember! Even in an
| idle state!).

Well, I see WinTop gave a more palatable figure. Others have complained
that System Monitor is not always accurate with that particular value.

| I'm beginning to think that it's a hardware problem
| more than anything, but I could be WAY OFF base. Another clue that
| some hardware is not functioning properly...When I go to empty the
| recycle bin, it takes about five seconds to empty!

That can sometimes happen, especially with multiple partitions.

| It should be
| instantly, I think. Again, it's been doing this for a very long
| time. Since I got a new 40 gig hard drive actually. It's
| partitioned into three...C:\ (WINDOWS) = 3.03 gigs D:\ = 1.08 gigs
| E:\ = ummm, actually I don't remember how big it is. It's the
| remainder anyway.
| How's that for a detailed question! Any advice? My wife phoned me a
| few hours ago and said the computer started fine for her.

That is very good, if it started fine for her!

| I have
| other theories, but they are probably so absurd that even alien
| abduction would seem more plausable!

Does your wife still recognize you? I wouldn't worry until she starts to

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"PCR" wrote:

> It would be worthwhile for you to read through those articles Brian A.
> posted. Also, it may be wise to make a full system backup at this point,
> if you don't already have one that is current enough-- & even put it on
> a separate hard drive like I do or onto a CD or DVD! More below.

I could put a full system backup on one of my other two partitions. I
really should consider getting a utility for this!

> What do you mean by USB devices? Have you seen the stuff Colorado wrote
> about his USB Enclosure? Can you shut that off prior to booting, which
> is the cure for him?

USB devices = 5 in 1 card reader for my digital camera memory card and USB
hub. The card reader flashed when Windows loads the drivers for it.

> Hmm. For occasional sluggish or faulty boots, I might try a Thorough
> Scandisk & a Defrag. DON'T let them constantly restart, though! Do you
> know all about that? But it won't help, if this is something you caught
> from Colorado!

I regulary defrag and scandisk (reverse order, actually), but I don't do a
thorough scandisk. I might consider trying that.

> | This time, however, since Windows did not finish loading on
> | the last startup, I get the options to start in safe mode, logged,
> | normal, bla bla know what I mean!
> Are you sure you don't get that screen anyway all the time, whether or
> not you've had a bad shutdown? That screen is governed by lines in
> MSDOS.sys that can be put there with "START, Run, MSConfig, Advanced
> button, Enable Startup Menu"-- it's a good screen to have!
> It think what you mean is the computer automatically ran a scandisk
> because of the crash. What shows up at the bottom of "C:\Scandisk.log"?

No, I meant the startup menu. I did not get a scandisk (blue screen with
yellow progress bar). I don't normally get the startup screen unless I hold
CTRL before Windows begins to load. The startup screen I was referring to
had the text:

"Because Windows did not finish loading the last time it was started, please
choose a startup option"

Maybe it's not exactly that, but something quite similar.

> I wish you never did fool with User Profiles! I should have spoken up
> soon enough when I first saw you mention that!

I've managed to delete ALL profiles, and Windows loads without a password as
it did before I fiddled with Users. I'm trying to determine if this has
anything to do with it. (that and the fact that I've ResHack-ed MSLOCUSR.DLL)

> | ...and added a value
> | in the registry to block Windows from loading without a un/pw
> | (although I did add that value more than a day ago and everything
> | went fine).
> Opps-- wasn't there a warning about that setting in the thread that
> mentioned it? Can you reverse it?

Oh, yes...that value is gone. It HAS to be gone since I have no users! No
problems there. But again, maybe there were problems there! Time will tell,
as I'm slowly going to be making changes over the next week to determine
which action has been causing the initial black screen hang at startup.

> | I'm beginning to think that it's a hardware problem
> | more than anything, but I could be WAY OFF base. Another clue that
> | some hardware is not functioning properly...When I go to empty the
> | recycle bin, it takes about five seconds to empty!
> That can sometimes happen, especially with multiple partitions.

Well, I DO have my hard drive partitioned into 3, so....maybe?

> | I have
> | other theories, but they are probably so absurd that even alien
> | abduction would seem more plausable!
> Does your wife still recognize you? I wouldn't worry until she starts to
> complain.

Well, my wife did call me one night and complained that when she started the
computer it went to a "grey screen with a big arrow curser" and just hung
there. She had to hit CTRL-ALT-DEL to get Windows to restart and it loaded
fine the second time. I was confused because I've never heard of the screen
she talked about. And then just as we were about to end our conversation, I
heard her say, "take me to your leader" so I hung up the phone and hid from
the bright light in the sky!

Oh, I love computers! Just not their problems!
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


"Paradoxdb3" <> wrote in message
> "PCR" wrote:
>> Others have reported System Monitor is inaccurate with that particular
>> value. But I have found mine usually to be quite consistent with that of
>> WinTop...
>> With NetZero & OE running to write this post...
>> System Monitor.... Kernal Processor Usage is in the 40%'s.
>> WinTop................ Idle is in the 60's
>> Process Explorer... Idle is in the 60's
>> BUT, Process Explorer, ITSELF, is doing most of that-- without it...
>> System Monitor.... Kernal Processor Usage is in the 10%'s or lower.
>> WinTop................ Idle is in the 90's or lower.

> See, System Monitor is reporting the opposite for me. When WinTop shows
> Idle at 99%, System Monitor also shows CPU usage at 99% (or 100% actually).
> I always thought that an "idle" value of 99% would yield a "CPU usage" value
> of 1%. Am I right? Or am I reading the Systsem Monitor utility wrong? Is a
> CPU usage of 100% good? (Although I can't see that being the case!)

That's the sort of behaviour I saw with System Monitor vs. Wintop or any other CPU
Try setting the interval to a longer time, in System Monitor's settings, so that it
does not check the CPU usage quite so often. Set the interval to at least 5
seconds, or try 10 seconds and see if it changes the reading in System Monitor.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+


Thanks, Glen....I'll try that. And if it still doesn't make a difference,
well I don't care anyway because if my CPU was REALLY running on FULL power
ALL the time, I'm sure I'd see a seriously slow system, which I don't. My
system is actually quite fast. Not sure if it has anything to do with it,
but I've got my system resources to 94% free upon startup. I'm also happy
with that.


Paradoxdb3 wrote:

> I could put a full system backup on one of my other two partitions.

It would be worthless if/when the hard drive dies. Much better to put
it on a different physical, bootable drive.



dadiOH's dandies v3.06...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at


glee wrote:
| "Paradoxdb3" <> wrote in message
|> "PCR" wrote:
|>> Others have reported System Monitor is inaccurate with that
|>> particular value. But I have found mine usually to be quite
|>> consistent with that of WinTop...
|>> With NetZero & OE running to write this post...
|>> System Monitor.... Kernal Processor Usage is in the 40%'s.
|>> WinTop................ Idle is in the 60's
|>> Process Explorer... Idle is in the 60's
|>> BUT, Process Explorer, ITSELF, is doing most of that-- without it...
|>> System Monitor.... Kernal Processor Usage is in the 10%'s or lower.
|>> WinTop................ Idle is in the 90's or lower.
|> See, System Monitor is reporting the opposite for me. When WinTop
|> shows Idle at 99%, System Monitor also shows CPU usage at 99% (or
|> 100% actually). I always thought that an "idle" value of 99% would
|> yield a "CPU usage" value of 1%. Am I right? Or am I reading the
|> Systsem Monitor utility wrong? Is a CPU usage of 100% good?
|> (Although I can't see that being the case!)
| That's the sort of behaviour I saw with System Monitor vs. Wintop or
| any other CPU monitor.
| Try setting the interval to a longer time, in System Monitor's
| settings, so that it does not check the CPU usage quite so often.
| Set the interval to at least 5 seconds, or try 10 seconds and see if
| it changes the reading in System Monitor. --

I can't find where/how to set an interval in System Monitor! Have you
got a different version...?...

Desc: System Monitor
Size: 81,920 bytes
Mod: Friday, April 23, 1999 10:22:00 PM
Ver: 4.10.1998

Mine is updating its display every 2/3 secs., & has always been quite
consistent with WinTop-- & even the hoggy Process Explorer seems to
more/less agree!

| Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Paradoxdb3 wrote:
| Thanks, Glen....I'll try that. And if it still doesn't make a
| difference, well I don't care anyway because if my CPU was REALLY
| running on FULL power ALL the time, I'm sure I'd see a seriously slow
| system, which I don't. My system is actually quite fast. Not sure
| if it has anything to do with it, but I've got my system resources to
| 94% free upon startup. I'm also happy with that.

I guess I'll go along with that. Well, maybe, just check your version
against mine...

Desc: System Monitor
Size: 81,920 bytes
Mod: Friday, April 23, 1999 10:22:00 PM
Ver: 4.10.1998

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


dadiOH wrote:
| Paradoxdb3 wrote:
|> I could put a full system backup on one of my other two partitions.
| It would be worthless if/when the hard drive dies. Much better to put
| it on a different physical, bootable drive.

Yea. I must more/less agree with that! I'll get to the rest of
Paradoxdb3's shortly, (though I'm running out of new ideas, if they
aren't already gone).

Here was my experience in adding a second hard drive, (but I know very
little more than this, except there are URLs that also may explain

Naturally, the first consideration is whether there is room inside the
box. (Well, actually, there undoubtedly also are external possibilities,
but I know nothing of them.) So,

(1) What is your computer & model number?
(2) Do you have a manual to look through?

My book clearly showed every screw along the way. (I had to lift out the
power supply of my Compaq 7470 to get to the innards.) However, it is
possible to get by without it. There will be literature with the new
hard drive. There will be two wires to connect. One to a power connector
on the drive. The other will either be

(a) A cable going from the new drive directly to the motherboard (the
drive will become a Secondary Master) or

(b) A connector on the cable that already connects the Primary Master to
the motherboard will plug into the new drive (the new drive is a Slave).

Presuming the box is open & you have access...

(1) You must get the jumpers right, acc. to a diagram on the drive. The
new one may have a booklet, too. Different manufacturers/models have
different positions for the jumpers to say the same thing. A jumper is a
little, colorful, plastic covered device that will be placed over two
pins on the hard drive. Depending upon which pins it covers, the drive
is a Master, Slave, etc.

(a) Jumper the new drive as Slave, if you will plug it to the
cable holding the Primary Master.
Or set it as Master, if you will connect directly to the MB
with it's own cable.

(b) The Primary Master (the one you've already got in there),
especially if it's a Western Digital, may need to be changed to "Master
with slave", instead of "Master alone on cable". State the name/model of
the drive, if examining it's diagram doesn't make it clear. This drive
may need to be removed to see it's diagram. Likely, there are four
screws involved. Naturally, this won't apply, if the new drive is
connected to the motherboard, using it's own cable.

(c) If making a Slave, try plugging it into the free connector on
the cable. However, some computers may require that the Master & Slave
be in specific positions on the cable. (I believe my Slave is closest to
the motherboard on the cable, in the middle connector.)

If this is to be a Secondary Master, plug it into the free
slot on the motherboard. Examine the connector & the pins it is plugging
into. You will see the orientation that is required, by the parallel
lines on the side of the connector & slot. Once sure of that, give it a

(d) Plug a free 4-prong power connector into the new drive. There
should be some loose ones inside the box.

| --
| dadiOH
| ____________________________
| dadiOH's dandies v3.06...
| ...a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
| LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
| Get it at

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Paradoxdb3 wrote:
| "PCR" wrote:
|> It would be worthwhile for you to read through those articles Brian
|> A. posted. Also, it may be wise to make a full system backup at this
|> point, if you don't already have one that is current enough-- & even
|> put it on a separate hard drive like I do or onto a CD or DVD! More
|> below.
| I could put a full system backup on one of my other two partitions. I
| really should consider getting a utility for this!

That would be better than nothing. But, if the entire hard drive goes
(instead of just the boot partition-- then you've lost the backup too!
It's better to put it on CD-ROM, DVD, or a 2nd hard drive.

|> What do you mean by USB devices? Have you seen the stuff Colorado
|> wrote about his USB Enclosure? Can you shut that off prior to
|> booting, which is the cure for him?
| USB devices = 5 in 1 card reader for my digital camera memory card
| and USB hub. The card reader flashed when Windows loads the drivers
| for it.

That isn't the same as what Colorado has, then. Still-- maybe boot with
that camera turned off too, if possible.

|> Hmm. For occasional sluggish or faulty boots, I might try a Thorough
|> Scandisk & a Defrag. DON'T let them constantly restart, though! Do
|> you know all about that? But it won't help, if this is something you
|> caught from Colorado!
| I regulary defrag and scandisk (reverse order, actually), but I don't
| do a thorough scandisk. I might consider trying that.

Yea. Here's my usual warning, though...

I must warn that Scandisk may not do a great job when there is a
great one to do...
Therefore, perhaps UNcheck "Automatically fix errors" on it's front
screen. It will then ask whether you want each error fixed. If it sounds
truly horrible, say "No!", and post the log. The log will be
"C:\Scandisk.log". Do not let it constantly restart, either. (When
running Scandisk in DOS, there won't be such a box to uncheck. You must
"Scandisk /Checkonly", instead. It will write to the same .log. The
Auto-Scandisk that runs from DOS after a crash must be set to "Prompt"
the bad ones in C:\Windows\Command\Scandisk.ini.) REALLY, in light of
all THAT, the BEST thing to do is to have a full system backup to run
to! Would you like my list of backup apps?

|> | This time, however, since Windows did not finish loading on
|> | the last startup, I get the options to start in safe mode, logged,
|> | normal, bla bla know what I mean!
|> Are you sure you don't get that screen anyway all the time, whether
|> or not you've had a bad shutdown? That screen is governed by lines in
|> MSDOS.sys that can be put there with "START, Run, MSConfig, Advanced
|> button, Enable Startup Menu"-- it's a good screen to have!
|> It think what you mean is the computer automatically ran a scandisk
|> because of the crash. What shows up at the bottom of
|> "C:\Scandisk.log"?
| No, I meant the startup menu. I did not get a scandisk (blue screen
| with yellow progress bar). I don't normally get the startup screen
| unless I hold CTRL before Windows begins to load. The startup screen
| I was referring to had the text:
| "Because Windows did not finish loading the last time it was started,
| please choose a startup option"
| Maybe it's not exactly that, but something quite similar.

That's interesting. I'm trying hard, but can't quite recall it ever
happened to me. Of course, I am set to always see the Starup Menu now &
for a long time. Can it have happened before that? All I get now on a
bad shutdown is the information that ScanDisk will run.

BUT-- yours actually is saying "did not finish loading". Hmm-- that's
different enough, I guess, to justify it would give you the Startup
Menu. Yea-- I guess that's it!

|> I wish you never did fool with User Profiles! I should have spoken up
|> soon enough when I first saw you mention that!
| I've managed to delete ALL profiles, and Windows loads without a
| password as it did before I fiddled with Users. I'm trying to
| determine if this has anything to do with it.

Well... yours wasn't actually a bad shutdown, looks like. It seems to be
a bad boot. That could have to do with Profiles, I guess. But why would
it be intermittent?

| (that and the fact that
| I've ResHack-ed MSLOCUSR.DLL)

Have you undone that one too?

|> | ...and added a value
|> | in the registry to block Windows from loading without a un/pw
|> | (although I did add that value more than a day ago and everything
|> | went fine).
|> Opps-- wasn't there a warning about that setting in the thread that
|> mentioned it? Can you reverse it?
| Oh, yes...that value is gone. It HAS to be gone since I have no
| users! No problems there. But again, maybe there were problems
| there! Time will tell, as I'm slowly going to be making changes over
| the next week to determine which action has been causing the initial
| black screen hang at startup.

Yea. Keep us informed. Maybe read through those 72 MS articles I posted
in the other thread. I might go look at them again, myself, but must
quit soon.

|> | I'm beginning to think that it's a hardware problem
|> | more than anything, but I could be WAY OFF base. Another clue that
|> | some hardware is not functioning properly...When I go to empty the
|> | recycle bin, it takes about five seconds to empty!
|> That can sometimes happen, especially with multiple partitions.
| Well, I DO have my hard drive partitioned into 3, so....maybe?

As long as the Recycle Bin continues to work, I don't think the number
of seconds you report is excessive. It might get quicker after the
Thorough ScanDisk & Defrag, anyhow.

|> | I have
|> | other theories, but they are probably so absurd that even alien
|> | abduction would seem more plausable!
|> Does your wife still recognize you? I wouldn't worry until she
|> starts to complain.
| Well, my wife did call me one night and complained that when she
| started the computer it went to a "grey screen with a big arrow
| curser" and just hung there. She had to hit CTRL-ALT-DEL to get
| Windows to restart and it loaded fine the second time. I was
| confused because I've never heard of the screen she talked about.

A super-sized mouse pointer maybe?

| And then just as we were about to end our conversation, I heard her
| say, "take me to your leader" so I hung up the phone and hid from the
| bright light in the sky!

Very good! Check for scars & such in the morning, is all!

| Oh, I love computers! Just not their problems!

Yep. Can't argue with that.

|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Here's an update...

I've un-did all I prevously did, and then one by one re-did what I un-did.
When using no user profiles, Windows loaded with no problems. The next day,
I added the profiles again. Then it happened. I got the hang at startup
(after several reboots) but did not get the Windows protection error. It
seems the Windows protection error was related to the small hack I added into
the registry, but it only happened when the hang happened AND if I hit
CTRL-ALT-DEL. Removing the hack did not get rid of the hang, but did get rid
of the error.

Still searching for the cause of the hang. I'm not sure if the hang is
related to a specific profile? In regedit, when looking at all three
profiles I now have, one of them has a value that no other's a
binary value called "BadLocal" and has a value of "01 00 00 00". This was
the first profile I created, so maybe it's supposed to be there?

EDIT: Now all three profiles have it, so I think it's a value created after
the profile has been created and then actually logged in to. I'm not messing
with it.

The hang it still here, but if I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL, the computer simply


Paradoxdb3 wrote:
| Here's an update...
| I've un-did all I prevously did, and then one by one re-did what I
| un-did. When using no user profiles, Windows loaded with no problems.

That is good! But did you try several reboots this way too?

| The next day, I added the profiles again. Then it happened. I got
| the hang at startup (after several reboots) but did not get the
| Windows protection error. It seems the Windows protection error was
| related to the small hack I added into the registry, but it only
| happened when the hang happened AND if I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL. Removing
| the hack did not get rid of the hang, but did get rid of the error.

Well, I'm glad to hear that part is over.

| Still searching for the cause of the hang. I'm not sure if the hang
| is related to a specific profile? In regedit, when looking at all
| three profiles I now have, one of them has a value that no other
|'s a binary value called "BadLocal" and has a value of "01 00
| 00 00". This was the first profile I created, so maybe it's supposed
| to be there?
| EDIT: Now all three profiles have it, so I think it's a value
| created after the profile has been created and then actually logged
| in to. I'm not messing with it.

I don't have "BadLocal" in my Registry at all. But all I have is the one
Default user profile. As if I'd know what I'm looking at, can you post
one of the Registry keys that contains it? To do that, when the value is
showing in RegEdit's right pane, use the Registry menu to export it
then, post the export (if not horribly huge).

| The hang it still here, but if I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL, the computer simply
| restarts.

Someone else recently may be having problems with User Profiles--
similar or even worst than yours! The MSKB (Microsoft Knowledge Base)
seems to be down at the moment, but here again are the 79 articles that
are there...

I'll try to look through them again tomorrow.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"PCR" <> wrote in message
> snip
> I can't find where/how to set an interval in System Monitor! Have you
> got a different version...?...

System Monitor> Options menu> Chart> Update Interval.
I have it set to 10 seconds, and the CPU meter is more accurate than when set to 5
seconds or less. YMMV.

It's the same version you have.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+


Some clues here:
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

"Paradoxdb3" <> wrote in message
> Here's an update...
> I've un-did all I prevously did, and then one by one re-did what I un-did.
> When using no user profiles, Windows loaded with no problems. The next day,
> I added the profiles again. Then it happened. I got the hang at startup
> (after several reboots) but did not get the Windows protection error. It
> seems the Windows protection error was related to the small hack I added into
> the registry, but it only happened when the hang happened AND if I hit
> CTRL-ALT-DEL. Removing the hack did not get rid of the hang, but did get rid
> of the error.
> Still searching for the cause of the hang. I'm not sure if the hang is
> related to a specific profile? In regedit, when looking at all three
> profiles I now have, one of them has a value that no other's a
> binary value called "BadLocal" and has a value of "01 00 00 00". This was
> the first profile I created, so maybe it's supposed to be there?
> EDIT: Now all three profiles have it, so I think it's a value created after
> the profile has been created and then actually logged in to. I'm not messing
> with it.
> The hang it still here, but if I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL, the computer simply
> restarts.


glee wrote:
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%230thic$IIHA.4712@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> snip
|> I can't find where/how to set an interval in System Monitor! Have you
|> got a different version...?...
| System Monitor> Options menu> Chart> Update Interval.

Yep. I didn't try that, because I didn't want to see charts! However,
yea, it gave no charts, & does provide a slider for interval. OK,
thanks. (Yea, I was in there long ago, I'm sure-- but totally forgot
what it does!)

Anyhow, I still say mine works fine at a 3 sec. interval! Right now...

System Monitor Kernal Processor Usage... 20%'s.
WinTop's Idle.......................................... 60%'s.

That seems close enough!

| I have it set to 10 seconds, and the CPU meter is more accurate than
| when set to 5 seconds or less. YMMV.
| It's the same version you have.
| --
| Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

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