Why is "Show windows side by side" still broken in Windows 10 - how is this possible?



Looking at the 50 pages of unanswered threads on this topic, this almost seems futile, but here we go with the question, again;

Dear Microsoft, when any Windows 10 user right-clicks their task bar they see a pop-up menu option for "Show windows side by side", this is not a new feature, it's been around since at least Windows XP, however windows 10 changes and breaks this functionality. "Show windows side by side" no longer works properly, and it's troubling to say the least that this has been broken for YEARS with no noticeable effort on the part of Microsoft to address this and FIX IT FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Just to make this clear, I will re-explain the specific observations of this problem, that likely hundreds of people have done before me, and which anyone with a Win 10 OS can reproduce at will:

1.) When selecting "Show windows side by side" from the taskbar pop-up menu, windows are tiled unevenly with an invisible "ghost" window that leaves empty space and prevents the users windows form being tiled evenly across the desktop.

2.) This can be TEMPORARILY worked around by killing the explorer.exe process - NOTE: this is not an acceptable workaround, 9 out of 10 users are not going to know and/or be comfortable with killing windows processes.

3.) Even if you manually kill processes and get Show windows side by side to tile apps/windows evenly on the desktop without huge areas of open space, there's still an obnoxiously wide GAP between the windows. This large gap or space between tiled windows has never existed in previous OS versions prior to Windows 8/10.

4.) When using the Windows keyboard key + right arrow / left arrow keys, you can get windows to snap to the left or right side of the screen evenly WITHOUT ANY GAPS. Therefore the behavior of this feature is using different logic that works, compared to the new/broken Show windows side by side feature.

So I will ask again, WHY is this feature still broken, and what is Microsoft doing to fix it?

Considering this issue has existed for as long as Windows 10 has been released to the public, and Microsoft has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to resolve the issue, either Microsoft simply doesn't care that this feature is broken or ......

Show windows side by side

is such a complex feature that no intelligent employee left working at Microsoft is smart enough to

1.) Understand what this issue is or means to people that use it.

2.) Be able to articulate it to Win 10 development (BUG) team.

3.) Have any concept of customer appreciation or customer service.

Can't say I'm surprised by this, but for a bug to remain unresolved for 4+ years ................. that's really something else.

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