Windows Task Scheduler to run PS1 Script - Getting Error



Hello Team,

I am new to Powershell & Task Scheduler hopefully this is a simple enough problem on my end that you can help me solve. I have the PowerShell script build and its running fine when I run it via the Task Scheduler. My issue is that based on schedule it does not run the 2nd time because task is running from initial run.

In Task Scheduler I have provided Action to Start Powershell.exe and below Option:

-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoExit C:\Backups\Scripts\TSMBackup_Daily.ps1

Due to above I get the below error message:

Task Scheduler did not launch task "\Daily – Backup" because instance "{0ffb0fe2-b48b-40ba-a97a-08bd1ded01a5}" of the same task is already running.

Is this due to "-NoExit" defined above?
If so is there a way to stop the task once the script is ran? Do I need to adjust -ExecutionPolicy?
If you can tell me what to set the Option as in Task Scheduler then I can change it and see if it will run again.

Thank you.

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