Issues playing .mp3 and .m4a files that are stored in my OneDrive folder with Windows Media Player



I used to store all of my .mp3 and .m4a files in my hard drive outside of my OneDrive folder, and they always played without issue in Windows Media Player (WMP). A few months ago I started paying for OneDrive and moved all of my music to my local OneDrive folder. All of the files remain stored locally (i.e. I have told OneDrive to always keep them on this device). Since moving them to the local OneDrive folder I sporadically have issues when playing these music files with WMP. The two errors I get (with no discernible pattern) are:

  • RPC server is unavailable
  • Server Execution Failed

The files play fine with other audio programs (e.g. iTunes, VLC, Groove). They often play fine with WMP, but not reliably.


  • RPC and RPC Locator services are running and set to automatic start in services.
  • This has only happened on one computer that I use to access these OneDrive files.
  • The source of the files (e.g. iTunes, CD rip, etc) does not appear to matter when encountering the problem.

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