Keyboard holding down keys (not physically) when I hold down the key for a several seconds.



For the past couple of months, as described in the title, I have been getting an issue on my Laptop with my keyboard that holds down a key (not physically) after I have held it down for several seconds. I first noticed this when I was playing Minecraft where after holding shift to crouch for several seconds, I'd let go and I was stuck in crouch for a couple of seconds. Even if I repeatedly press the key while it is happening, it doesn't fix the issue and I have to wait for it to stop holding the button down. From what I've seen, it can happen with multiple keys, holding shift in Minecraft and holding x in Celeste. It also doesn't start happening immediately, where for around the first 10 minutes of playing Celeste, this issue doesn't occur, but then starts happening out of nowhere. When it does start happening, I have tested it in other applications such as Google Chrome and Notepad, where the key is still repeatedly pressed for a few seconds after released.

I have looked at filter-keys and sticky-keys neither of which appear to be the issue. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the keyboard driver, this has not fixed it. Any ideas as to what could be causing the issue would be appreciated.

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