Uninstall Ubuntu Dual boot and Repairing Dual Boot in Windows 10




I had dual-booted my Dell laptop which came with preinstalled Windows 10. I had dual booted with Ubuntu 16.04 by creating a partition on the disk. To remove this dual boot, i.e. I only wanted to keep Windows 10, I formatted the disk, drive F(in my case), where Ubuntu was stored. But, now whenever I boot my system, a black grub screen comes with the following message:

"Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device completions.

grub> _"

Upon writing 'exit', I am able to enter Windows.

1. I wish to know the reason behind it and how it can be removed.

2. I found this site, Uninstall Ubuntu Dual boot, I went ahead and performed all the steps. But somehow ended up with this error.

Also, I saw your reply on this thread Repairing Dual Boot in Windows 10. But it did not help me to remove my error. I will really appreciate your help in removing this error.

Thank you.

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