Download a full version of WIndwos 98 SE for free



We have one remaining Windows 98 se CD in the organization that I can find
and it is not readable any longer. I need to re-install Win98 SE on one of
our older P2 machines that can't be upgraded to run anything else. Win98 will
work fine for use with terminal services. I have the product key from this
original Win98 SE CD. Does anyone know where I can download and burn another
Win98 CE CD for free?

Thanks, Brad


BradinMuskoka wrote:
| We have one remaining Windows 98 se CD in the organization that I can
| find and it is not readable any longer. I need to re-install Win98 SE
| on one of our older P2 machines that can't be upgraded to run
| anything else. Win98 will work fine for use with terminal services. I
| have the product key from this original Win98 SE CD. Does anyone know
| where I can download and burn another Win98 CE CD for free?

Some say there are illegal WEB sites that will have such a thing-- but
these may well have been set up by terrorists! I don't know... maybe
call MS at 1-800-642-7676, to see whether you get a kindly MS personage
to replace it. I believe some here may have said there is one kindly
personage still there!

Otherwise, in the course of installing that CD onto one of the other
machines, did you copy the .cab's folder onto its hard drive? Normally,
on the CD that folder is named "Win98", I believe. If copied to a hard
drive, normally it is named... "C:\Windows\Options\CABS". At a DOS
Prompt, try...

C:\>DIR /s /a C:\
BASE4 CAB 168,960 04-23-99 10:22p BASE4.CAB
1 file(s) 168,960 bytes

If there are a slew of other .cab files in that folder & a "Setup.exe"--
then that's it!

| Thanks, Brad

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

On Wed, 14 Nov 2007 09:14:17 -0500, 98 Guy <> wrote:

>BradinMuskoka wrote:
>> Does anyone know where I can download and burn another Win98 SE
>> CD for free?

> 98&ts
> 98,torrent,en,0.html

And you'll get at least a half of gig of viruses included with any of
these sites listed above. Any site with the word "torrent" is a site
filled with viruses and spyware.

Why not just go to a used computer store or online auction. You can
probably get one for $10 or less.
This time make a backup !!!!
Actually, I copied all the Win98 install files to my harddrive.
I find it very irritating to have to install a CD everytime I need a
driver or something, and the 98 install is not all that large.

Then too, if you ask on an XP or Vista newsgroup, you will likely find
many people wanting to make a few bucks off an old 98 CD they no
longer use. You may even find a friend with one who give it to you
for free, or who will burn you a copy. There are millions of these CDs


<> wrote in message
| On Wed, 14 Nov 2007 09:14:17 -0500, 98 Guy <> wrote:
| >BradinMuskoka wrote:
| >
| >> Does anyone know where I can download and burn another Win98 SE
| >> CD for free?
| >
| >
| >
| > 98&ts
| >
| >
| >

| >
> 98,torrent,en,0.h

| >
| >
| >
| >
| And you'll get at least a half of gig of viruses included with any of
| these sites listed above. Any site with the word "torrent" is a site
| filled with viruses and spyware.
| Why not just go to a used computer store or online auction. You can
| probably get one for $10 or less.
| This time make a backup !!!!
| Actually, I copied all the Win98 install files to my harddrive.
| I find it very irritating to have to install a CD everytime I need a
| driver or something, and the 98 install is not all that large.
| Then too, if you ask on an XP or Vista newsgroup, you will likely find
| many people wanting to make a few bucks off an old 98 CD they no
| longer use. You may even find a friend with one who give it to you
| for free, or who will burn you a copy. There are millions of these CDs
| around.

And that is some good advise... then again the torrent using infected people
give us and the other help forums something to diagnose and fix....


98 Guy

Full-quoter MEB wrote:

(thanks for re-posting the supposedly dangerous links)

> | And you'll get at least a half of gig of viruses included with
> | any of these sites listed above.

So download multiple versions and check their files for similarities
and differences.

Then scan the files before using them.

If you're installing 98 on a new or blank hard drive, you've got
nothing to lose even if the install files have malware. It would be
quite a feat to build malware into the cab files in such a way that 98
would install itself and the malware correctly that would still result
in a functional (yet infected) system.

And once 98 has been installed and verified to work, then remove the
drive and slave it to another system and scan it before using it.

I've downloaded lots of major apps from torrents (some that take 5
DVD's to install, like Adobe Premier) and none have tested positive
for malware.


"98 Guy" <> an apparent dimwit loser, wrote in message
| Full-quoter MEB wrote:
| (thanks for re-posting the supposedly dangerous links)

The more warnings the better... every time you post and bring notice to the
illegal issues, you shout to the world just how friggin intelligent you,
personally, really are...

| > | And you'll get at least a half of gig of viruses included with
| > | any of these sites listed above.
| So download multiple versions and check their files for similarities
| and differences.

Uhuh, and you check them with/against what? Each other, now that's really
bright... so which one is the one to use, you know, for your reference

| Then scan the files before using them.

Scan them with your infected system, another bright response ...

| If you're installing 98 on a new or blank hard drive, you've got
| nothing to lose even if the install files have malware. It would be
| quite a feat to build malware into the cab files in such a way that 98
| would install itself and the malware correctly that would still result
| in a functional (yet infected) system.

Nothing to lose but perhaps a boot sector virus, one of the virus that
create their own hidden partitions which most users would never notice, or
some root kit or back orifice like activity... yep, you are friggin
brilliant ..

This is another of your completely worthless postings,,, "quite a feat"
takes nothing more than cabarc, I6comp {or 5}, one of the other Microsoft
provided tools, MSI kit or a clone, or one of the hacker tools which
mimic/create the necessary files...
And here's the key to how openly stupid that part of your post is [and most
of your posts related to this activity are]:
you HAVE downloaded stuff from MGDx and MSFN, and installed files WHICH
WERE MODIFIED IN EXACTLY THAT FASHION [ah oh dats right,, i's done dat
befer}}}}}}}}}}}}blink{{{{{{{{huh, wats dat!!!].....

| And once 98 has been installed and verified to work, then remove the
| drive and slave it to another system and scan it before using it.

Yep VUNDERFUL MIEN HEIR, another super sophisticated idea,,, infect the
other systems you may have,,, you apparently DON'Trealise there are virus
that can infect systems JUST because they were accessed BY ANY PROGRAM or
specifically when done BY anti-virus progs, oops a hidden secret there
{NOT!!!!}.... . . .

| I've downloaded lots of major apps from torrents (some that take 5
| DVD's to install, like Adobe Premier) and none have tested positive
| for malware.

REALLY, and how would you know that, remember you posted recently in here
that you don't use anti-virus software... teeeheee,,,, tsk, tsk,,,,,
Moreover, I'd place a bet that you've used pirated and potentially infected
OSs to RUN the supposed anti-virus software [which you previously claimed
not to use]... and tested those with another potentially pirated and
infected OS... and since you torrent with unknown other users and you allow
that access, you can be {and likely were} infected at any time ....

Look, I realize you have an agenda, that you're not very bright [or you
appear that way], and are still attempting to establish yourself as a world
expert... but I warned you before, that ANY time you posted this crap that
might affect the security of other users, I would "hit you up side da head
wit a 2 X 4" until you learn to keep this junk out of THIS forum... you post
in other forums, keep this crap out there ....


98 Guy

MEB wrote:

> | So download multiple versions and check their files for
> | similarities and differences.
> Uhuh, and you check them with/against what? Each other,

Well, Mr. Clueless, when you check them against each other, and if
there ARE differences, then you have reason to suspect them.

If there are no differences, then most likely, almost garanteed they
are the real thing. It would be very tricky to plant the same fake
copy (of anything) on multiple torrents and have that as the ONLY
version available for download.

> Scan them with your infected system, another bright response

Again Mr. Stupid, you scan it with the system you're using to download
it. I feel like I'm talking to a child here.

> Nothing to lose but perhaps a boot sector virus,

Which when you slave the drive to a second (trusted) machine and scan
it the boot-sector virus becomes plainly visible, in which case you
fdisk and format the drive to get rid of the malware.

> This is another of your completely worthless postings,,,
> "quite a feat" takes nothing more than cabarc,

And again if you compare multiple versions of the same cab files
you'll discover whether or not any of them are suspect.

> And here's the key to how openly stupid that part of your post
> is:

Oh my, I can't wait to read it

> you HAVE downloaded stuff from MGDx and MSFN, and installed

Yes, Mr. Moron, I have, but not before submitting the files to VT.

But in the case of a commercial distro like Win-98, the size of all
cabs are listed by MS, and like I've said before, if I download it
from 3 or 4 different torrents and they all compare exactly, then you
tell me what the odds are that it's got malware?

Hey, tell you what.

I'll download a few of them and I'll check them against the real
thing, then I'll post back here and tell people which ones are good
and which ones have been tampered with. That should make you happy -

> | And once 98 has been installed and verified to work, then
> | remove the drive and slave it to another system and scan
> | it before using it.
> infect the other systems you may have

Another piece of hyperbole courtesy of Mr. MEB. I guess if someone is
as sloppy as your own thought-process is then maybe they run some
cross-contamination risk. So I advise you not to play on the torrents
- you obviously can't handle it.

> you apparently DON'Trealise there are virus that can infect
> systems JUST because they were accessed BY ANY PROGRAM or
> specifically when done BY anti-virus progs, oops a hidden
> secret there {NOT!!!!}.... . . .

It's always obvious when your tinfoil hat slips off your head.

> | I've downloaded lots of major apps from torrents (some that
> | take 5 DVD's to install, like Adobe Premier) and none have
> | tested positive for malware.
> REALLY, and how would you know that, remember you posted
> recently in here that you don't use anti-virus software...

[MEB girly mode on]

> teeeheee,,,,

That's right, I don't run AV software on my main desktop machine.
That doesn't mean I don't have access to, or periodically or
sporadically scan entire drives on other systems I have access to or
have set up for that purpose.

> Moreover, I'd place a bet that you've used pirated and
> potentially infected OSs to RUN the supposed anti-virus
> software

The organization I am associated with has actually bought many dozens
of OEM copies of Win-95, Win-98, and XP-pro over the past dozen years,
in addition to having about 1/2 dozen years worth of MSDN cd's, so I
am in no shortage of "legit" copies of MS software.

So basically you would lose your bet.

It is true that we did download a hacked version of Vista many months
ago for kicks and installed it on a scratch drive that has since been

> Look, I realize you have an agenda,

Which is what? If it bugs your ass to hear me say that downloading or
using software without a license is no big deal, well that's tough.
But that's not an agenda.

> and are still attempting to establish yourself as a world
> expert...

You need therapy. You've got hangups and issues.

> but I warned you before, that ANY time you posted this
> crap that might affect the security of other users,
> I would "hit you up side da head wit a 2 X 4" until
> you learn to keep this junk out of THIS forum... you post
> in other forums, keep this crap out there ....

Captain MEB, savior of the universe.

You are so lame. It's quite funny actually, but sad too.

You keep swinging that 2x4 if it makes you feel important. Just try
not to hurt yourself swinging at the air.


"98 Guy" <> wrote in message
| MEB wrote:
| > | So download multiple versions and check their files for
| > | similarities and differences.
| >
| > Uhuh, and you check them with/against what? Each other,
| Well, Mr. Clueless, when you check them against each other, and if
| there ARE differences, then you have reason to suspect them.

Uhuh, so you would suspect them of what?

| If there are no differences, then most likely, almost guaranteed they
| are the real thing. It would be very tricky to plant the same fake
| copy (of anything) on multiple torrents and have that as the ONLY
| version available for download.

Hmm, so let's see, you download several or a couple different torrents from
unknown sources and because they are the same then that means they are

Perhaps you haven't been out on the net long enough to realize that the
SAME files and programs are constantly passed around the net... and that
the original one that everyone is passing around is or may be corrupt or
infected... so what does two illegally obtained copies of that same
file/torrent prove?

| > Scan them with your infected system, another bright response
| Again Mr. Stupid, you scan it with the system you're using to download
| it. I feel like I'm talking to a child here.

Uhm, that's the one you installed one of the torrent programs on right,,,
the one that is used to transfer other illegal files around with,,, the one
that has no firewall, no antivirus, and is being constantly accessed by
other computers while you're connected via the torrent program???
That system over which you have failed to ensure is NOT infected AND HAVE

| > Nothing to lose but perhaps a boot sector virus,
| Which when you slave the drive to a second (trusted) machine and scan
| it the boot-sector virus becomes plainly visible, in which case you
| fdisk and format the drive to get rid of the malware.

Uhuh, and that system is what, XP or VISTA, which has already accessed the
drive PRIOR to your scan ....

| > This is another of your completely worthless postings,,,
| > "quite a feat" takes nothing more than cabarc,
| And again if you compare multiple versions of the same cab files
| you'll discover whether or not any of them are suspect.

Uhm, suspect of what, you're claiming torrents are safe to download,,, you
posted the links didn't you ???

| > And here's the key to how openly stupid that part of your post
| > is:
| Oh my, I can't wait to read it
| > you HAVE downloaded stuff from MGDx and MSFN, and installed
| Yes, Mr. Moron, I have, but not before submitting the files to VT.

Uhuh, and that showed what, based upon what criteria???

| But in the case of a commercial distro like Win-98, the size of all
| cabs are listed by MS, and like I've said before, if I download it
| from 3 or 4 different torrents and they all compare exactly, then you
| tell me what the odds are that it's got malware?

Let's see, think a hacker can find that same info on Microsoft???

| Hey, tell you what.
| I'll download a few of them and I'll check them against the real
| thing, then I'll post back here and tell people which ones are good
| and which ones have been tampered with. That should make you happy -
| no?

Nah, we still know where and how to obtain legal copies... post that crap
in one of the proper forums for that stuff ...

| > | And once 98 has been installed and verified to work, then
| > | remove the drive and slave it to another system and scan
| > | it before using it.
| >
| > infect the other systems you may have
| Another piece of hyperbole courtesy of Mr. MEB. I guess if someone is
| as sloppy as your own thought-process is then maybe they run some
| cross-contamination risk. So I advise you not to play on the torrents
| - you obviously can't handle it.

Let's see, seems you already made some numbnuts comment like that before,,,
AND I already advised you that I have frequented those style of sharing
services .... seems I also already advised you that one need not engage in
illegal activity when doing so ...

| > you apparently DON'T realise there are virus that can infect
| > systems JUST because they were accessed BY ANY PROGRAM or
| > specifically when done BY anti-virus progs, oops a hidden
| > secret there {NOT!!!!}.... . . .
| It's always obvious when your tinfoil hat slips off your head.

TTTSTSTSTSTSSSKKSKSKSKSK,,,, hehehehehehe,,,, so let's see, now you're an
expert in viruses, Trojans, and the like ... what else are you going to
claim WITHOUT checking the facts...

| > | I've downloaded lots of major apps from torrents (some that
| > | take 5 DVD's to install, like Adobe Premier) and none have
| > | tested positive for malware.

Adobe products, Microsoft products,,, any others you're willing to publicly
admit to stealing ...

| >
| > REALLY, and how would you know that, remember you posted
| > recently in here that you don't use anti-virus software...
| [MEB girly mode on]
| > teeeheee,,,,
| That's right, I don't run AV software on my main desktop machine.
| That doesn't mean I don't have access to, or periodically or
| sporadically scan entire drives on other systems I have access to or
| have set up for that purpose.

Uhuh, so you're such a conscientious person, you ALWAYS follow a set
routine for those checks,,, with that illegal copy of the OS you have

| > Moreover, I'd place a bet that you've used pirated and
| > potentially infected OSs to RUN the supposed anti-virus
| > software
| The organization I am associated with has actually bought many dozens
| of OEM copies of Win-95, Win-98, and XP-pro over the past dozen years,
| in addition to having about 1/2 dozen years worth of MSDN cd's, so I
| am in no shortage of "legit" copies of MS software.
| So basically you would lose your bet.
| It is true that we did download a hacked version of Vista many months
| ago for kicks and installed it on a scratch drive that has since been
| recycled.

No, actually I just got you to publicly admit to conspiracy to commit
illegal acts, engagement in criminal conspiracy, attempted distribution of
illegal software, and several other felonies and/or civilly prosecutable

Moreover, is that organization aware that they can also be charged in
conjunction with your illegal activities if done on or thorough their system
or service??? Are they also aware that, as you have readily admitted to
criminal activity, that you may be engaged in such at their place of
business? NOTE: you said "we".

| > Look, I realize you have an agenda,
| Which is what? If it bugs your ass to hear me say that downloading or
| using software without a license is no big deal, well that's tough.
| But that's not an agenda.

Nah, doesn't bug my ass,,, but I am a Peoples' Counsel,, would you expect
me to suggest you engage in criminal acts???

| > and are still attempting to establish yourself as a world
| > expert...
| You need therapy. You've got hangups and issues.
| > but I warned you before, that ANY time you posted this
| > crap that might affect the security of other users,
| > I would "hit you up side da head wit a 2 X 4" until
| > you learn to keep this junk out of THIS forum... you post
| > in other forums, keep this crap out there ....
| Captain MEB, savior of the universe.
| You are so lame. It's quite funny actually, but sad too.
| You keep swinging that 2x4 if it makes you feel important. Just try
| not to hurt yourself swinging at the air.

Actually, if you continue to publicly post and admit to this type of
criminal activity, it may be someone else swinging the 2x4, but it will look
more like steel bars.

Maurice Edward, Brahier


On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 22:17:38 -0500, 98 Guy <> wrote:

>You need therapy. You've got hangups and issues.

My 19 year old grandson is a freshman in collage and is studying to
become a psychologist. Maybe he can help !!!!


98 Guy

MEB wrote:

> | Well, Mr. Clueless, when you check them against each other, and
> | if there ARE differences, then you have reason to suspect them.
> Uhuh, so you would suspect them of what?

Doesn't matter *what* you dork. If they're different, then you have
grounds to suspect one of them (or all of them) are not legit.

> Hmm, so let's see, you download several or a couple different
> torrents from unknown sources

Torrent downloads are usually "unknown" sources, so what's your

> and because they are the same then that means they are Okay....

And if you compare the size of the cabs against lists published by MS,
or that are available on the net, you have another layer of

> Perhaps you haven't been out on the net long enough to realize
> that the SAME files and programs are constantly passed around
> the net...

I guess I don't download from torrents as much as you do.

> ... so what does two illegally obtained copies of that same
> file/torrent prove?

It's not illegal to download via a torrent.

If you're downloading a malware-infested version of anything, then
technically you're not downloading the "real" thing, so there's no
violation of anything in that case.

So don't limit yourself to only 2 downloads. How about 4?

There were MILLIONS of win-98 CD's floating around during it's life,
so it's highly likely that there are dozens of unique and legit
versions being offered over torrent at any given time, vs the
situation you're describing for some other apps where perhaps only a
handful of people that got their hands on an actual retail copy have
gone on to offer it on a torrent.

> | Again Mr. Stupid, you scan it with the system you're using
> | to download it. I feel like I'm talking to a child here.
> Uhm, that's the one you installed one of the torrent programs on
> right,,,

Yes, and if I periodically remove the hard drive of the download
computer and slave it to a trusted computer for a complete malware
scan - what then Sherlock?

You're really grasping at straws here. Next you're going to say that
an infected torrent program is capable of inserting malware into ISO

> | And again if you compare multiple versions of the same cab files
> | you'll discover whether or not any of them are suspect.
> Uhm, suspect of what, you're claiming torrents are safe to
> download,,,

You fool. You're the one claiming they're NOT safe - so I'm
suggesting ways to verify the legitimacy of what you download if you
have no prior knowledge of the size or checksums of what you are
downloading. And in the case of Win-98, there are lists that specify
the true size of the cabs.

> | > you HAVE downloaded stuff from MGDx and MSFN, and installed
> |
> | Yes, Mr. Moron, I have, but not before submitting the files to VT.
> Uhuh, and that showed what

When did this become a conversation about the malware threat in
web-hosted support files from known sources? I thought we were
talking about the potential of malware in torrents of full install
CD's of various OS's and App suites.

> based upon what criteria???

I just said I make it a habbit of submitting downloaded stuff to VT.
The "criteria" would therefore be the detection rules contained in the
definition templates of the 2 or 3 dozen vendors operating on that

> | I'll download a few of them and I'll check them against
> | the real thing,
> Nah, we still know where and how to obtain legal copies...

No, really, it's no bother. After all, this is obviously an important
issue for you, and for the benefit of others I will download several
copies of win-98 from different sources and binary-compare them
against the read CD and I will report back here my findings.

> I already advised you that I have frequented those style of
> sharing services

Do tell, MEB. Do tell.

> so let's see, now you're an expert in viruses, Trojans, and
> the like ...

Apparently you're the expert torrent downloader here. Why don't you
tell us what sort of sneaky malware you've found that can infect a
system simply by slaving a drive to another system?

Name the actual identity of a specific piece of malware.

> Adobe products, Microsoft products,,, any others you're willing
> to publicly admit to stealing ...

I've obtained a lot of stuff that frankly I don't even use, but
instead I install on systems owned by others (friends and family) and
frankly I'm not sure that they get a lot of use there either.

> Uhuh, so you're such a conscientious person, you ALWAYS follow a
> set routine for those checks,,,

When did this become an issue of what *I* do or don't do on a regular
basis when it comes to stuff I've obtained via torrents?

Your argument is that there is no way to verify the legitimacy of
stuff (like a Win-98 CD) that's been obtained via torrent. I've
posted to the contrary.

> with that illegal copy of the OS you have right??

If you're referring to the hacked Vista copy, no we didn't scan it
because it was being installed on a scratch drive on an isolated
computer that was going to be recycled anyways.

> | So basically you would lose your bet.
> No, actually I just got you to publicly admit to conspiracy to
> commit illegal acts,

It is not illegal to download. In some jurisdictions some
stake-holders believe it is possible to prosecute people for uploading
or making stuff available for upload. And those are civil
prosecutions or suits, not criminal.

> engagement in criminal conspiracy, attempted distribution of
> illegal software, and several other felonies and/or civilly
> prosecutable activities...

MEB, your attempts to scare me or others with inapplicable legal terms
is lame.

> Moreover, is that organization aware that they can also be
> charged in conjunction with your illegal activities if done
> on or thorough their system or service???

Why don't you call them or send them a letter and ask?

> Are they also aware that, as you have readily admitted to
> criminal activity, that you may be engaged in such at their
> place of business? NOTE: you said "we".

You know, I bet they'd be very interested. So please call them and
let them know.

> Actually, if you continue to publicly post and admit to this type
> of criminal activity, it may be someone else swinging the 2x4,
> but it will look more like steel bars.

LOL. Can you hear me laughing, MEB?


Thank you.
You have once again confirmed to the world exactly how willing to
potentially corrupt other individual's systems you are, as you apparently
engage in activities designed solely to make yourself feel important and
gain recognition.... to the potential detriment of others, with COMPLETE
lack of concern for them and the harm and damage you may cause.

To the world, I highly recommend you search for this entity 98Guy so you
may understand the complete lack of understanding this individual has for
computing, networking, legal matters, and other aspects...

I will also supply this caution:
There are government and other entities that will supply supposed or actual
addresses to illegal software. These types of activities are not entrapment
nor are they construed as such, as the individual makes the conscious
decision to engage in this activity of their own volition.


98 Guy

MEB wrote:

> You have once again confirmed to the world exactly how willing to
> potentially corrupt other individual's systems you are,

Some asked where/how to download Windows 98.

I responded.

You pointed out the dangers of downloading - which should be almost
self-evident for anyone that has enough knowledge or experience to
post to usenet.

I responded with additional precautions. You made a half-ass attempt
to ridicule those precautions.

As a final attempt to reinforce your agenda, you made outlandish
accusations about my motives as you do your best to dissuade others to
attempt to obtain Win-98 via torrent download.

An example:

> as you apparently engage in activities designed solely to
> make yourself feel important and gain recognition....

It is common knowledge that a wide variety of software is available to
download via torrent. Many may not know that a great deal of it is
malware-free. The wider the distribution of a given piece of desired
software, the more potential download sources there will be, and the
less likely it will contain malware.

Something else you fail to mention is that downloads are frequently
broken up and retrieved from multiple sources simultaneously. This
again makes it difficult for a single source to contribute a coherent
and workable malware infection to the finished download.

> to the potential detriment of others, with COMPLETE lack of
> concern for them and the harm and damage you may cause.

When people ask where they can download win-98 from, I provide an

If you have a problem with that, then take it up with those are are
doing the asking.

> To the world, I highly recommend you search for this entity
> 98Guy so you may understand

so that you may understand that I provide coherent and complete
answers when responding to questions. You provide FUD (fear,
uncertainty, and dread):

> I will also supply this caution:
> There are government and other entities that will supply
> supposed or actual addresses to illegal software. These
> types of activities are not entrapment nor are they construed
> as such, as the individual makes the conscious decision to
> engage in this activity of their own volition.

The above was fabricated by MEB as an attempt to frighten the would-be
reader into not obtaining desired software via download torrent. The
relavent authorities and stake-holders have historically only shown an
interest in the sources of such downloads - not in the downloaders

Anyone interested in complete download anonymity (or internet
anonymity in general) shoud explore the use of TOR:


I'll merely remind or direct everyone to review the $250,000.00 judgment
rendered last month [or was it the month before] related to these
activities... the 7 [or more, some may presently be sealed] new cases
brought by Microsoft, and it you care to search, the several dozen out of
court Settlements, and judgments done since the DRM [digital rights
management] in XP and VISTA were fully implemented, and the related Digital
Rights Laws erected internationally...

Then think carefully when someone offers to provide you with such
materials, offers to accept copyrighted materials for distribution for which
you have no license to distribute, and in particular, attempts to direct you
that this can be done anonymously after the erection of the Anti-Terrorism
Laws erected world wide.,,, moreover, does so in public forums known to be
monitored for such activities.

The only one who can protect you is you,,, you will make that decision, the
attorneys world wide are ready and willing to take your money.


98 Guy

MEB wrote:

> I'll merely remind or direct everyone to review the $250,000.00
> judgment rendered last month [or was it the month before] related
> to these activities...

I've just performed several searches using keywords such as
"Microsoft", "court", "judgement", and "piracy", but the only results
were typical for what you'd expect from the illegal Micro$oft monopoly
and it's constant battles with the States and the EU.

If you want to support your claim, I suggest you provide a link to the
supposed $250k judgement.

During the search, I found this interesting:

Seems that in Europe, if you buy a PC that is pre-loaded with
Micro$oft software that you don't intend to use, you can demand a
refund for that software from the retailer or manufacturer.

> and it you care to search, the several dozen out of court
> Settlements, and judgments done since the DRM [digital rights
> management] in XP and VISTA were fully implemented, and the
> related Digital Rights Laws erected internationally...

Normally when one puts forth an argument, a URL is provided to help
support it. Is there any reason why you're not providing us with any?


"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> I'll merely remind or direct everyone to review the $250,000.00 judgment
> rendered last month [or was it the month before] related to these
> activities... the 7 [or more, some may presently be sealed] new cases
> brought by Microsoft, and it you care to search, the several dozen out
> of
> court Settlements, and judgments done since the DRM [digital rights
> management] in XP and VISTA were fully implemented, and the related
> Digital
> Rights Laws erected internationally...

"Judgements" concerning Win98 ?

> Then think carefully when someone offers to provide you with such
> materials, offers to accept copyrighted materials for distribution for
> which
> you have no license to distribute, and in particular, attempts to direct
> you
> that this can be done anonymously after the erection of the
> Anti-Terrorism
> Laws erected world wide.,,, moreover, does so in public forums known to
> be
> monitored for such activities.
> The only one who can protect you is you,,, you will make that decision,
> the
> attorneys world wide are ready and willing to take your money.

BTW, If Microsoft objects, to the distribution of a product that they no
longer supply or support then up em.

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