Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8 Will Not Install



can someone please help me keep getting failed install with "parameter is incorrect" ill link the log that it gives me after each fail.

OS Version = 10.0.17763, SP = 0.0, Platform 2
OS Description = Future OS - x64 Unkonw Edition (ProductType=48)
MSI = 5.0.17763.557
Windows servicing = 10.0.17763.733
CommandLine = C:\352515638ed996a613f76a1217a5\\Setup.exe /qn+ /x86 /x64 /web
TimeZone = Pacific Standard Time
Initial LCID = 1033
Using Simultaneous Download and Install mechanism
Operation: Installing
Package Name = Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Setup
Package Version = 4.8.03761
User Experience Data Collection Policy: Disabled
Number of applicable items: 6
Exe (C:\352515638ed996a613f76a1217a5\SetupUtility.exe) succeeded.
Exe Log File: dd_SetupUtility.txt

Exe (C:\352515638ed996a613f76a1217a5\SetupUtility.exe) succeeded.
Exe Log File: dd_SetupUtility.txt

Exe (C:\352515638ed996a613f76a1217a5\ failed with 0x57 - The parameter is incorrect. .
Exe Log File: CBS.log

Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x00000057), "The parameter is incorrect. " (Elapsed time: 0 00:02:41).

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