Add volume to Storage Replica Partnership - Cluster to cluster 2019 Datacenter




I have an existing Storage Replica Partnership with a SR Group which is replicating a volume in a clustered file server role.

and I have a second volume which requires replication.

Per MS documentation you should be able to add a volume to the SR Group using this command:

Set-SRGroup -Name "ReplicationGroup01" -AddVolumeName "F:"

in my case, it does not work:

> Set-SRGroup -Name "CBV01" -AddVolumeName "E:"
Set-SRGroup : This operation is not allowed for replication group CBV01, remove replication group from partnership.
At line:1 char:1
+ Set-SRGroup -Name "CBV01" -AddVolumeName "E:"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotImplemented: (MSFT_WvrAdminTasks:root/Microsoft/...T_WvrAdminTasks) [Set-SRGroup], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MI RESULT 7,Set-SRGroup

a solution please?

Thank you

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