Random Crashes with various errors (Bugcheck, Kernel, volgmgr) and freezes and hangs of certain applications (Chrome, After Effects, VLC)

  • Thread starter HéctorGuerra Moral
  • Start date

HéctorGuerra Moral


Since the start of the week I have been suffering random crashes on my computer: screen will go black (no BSOD) and after a while the computer will restart itself. Checking the Event Viewer the most common error is BugCheck.

No hardware changes had been done in this time period and the only software change I can think of is the installation of the new After Effects version.

Even before this I have been experiencing frezees on the computer specially when starting Chrome, the program might start inmediatly but crash or frezee the start menuu for it to start after 30s (opening as many windows as times I've clicked the icon).

VLC will crash (although this might be related simply with playing large .mov video files with low compression) and After Effects apart from ocassional chrases will sometimes give an error message when closing: string memory leak (83::2)

My attemps to this moment have been, clear cmos and restart BIOS settings, check all cables are connected correctly inside the system and removing my second graphics card (this seems to have mitigated the problem somehow, but I still got a crash after this). The system has been working correctly for over a month Monday-Friday 8+ hours editing video.

Full Specs:

Gigabyte Aorus Elite x570

Ryzen 2700

2x 32gb Corsair Vengeance LPX 3000mhz (XMP profile 3000 is activated, Dual Channel)

Nvidia RTX 2070 Super (Driver 436.48, two monitors connecet through DP)

Nvidia GTX 980 (This is the card I have removed from the system, same driver as above)
850W Corsair RMX Power Supply
2x NVME Adata s8200 SSD's (Windows 10 installed in one of those, not in RAID)

The two GPUs gave me some trouble at first, but as said they had been working correctly the last month or so. after I assigned an specific GPU to certain software (already did to the new AE version).

Hope you can help, if a minidump or any more info is needed please ask. Thanks a lot!


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