Blue screens for the past 2 weeks.



Hello there, ive been getting blue screens when playing games or even using a browser for the past 2 weeks and I really tried everything i know to fix it.

The first time it happened i was in a middle of a game and then a blue screen with the stop code : KERNAL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE

I then tried updating but mid way to updating windows it happened again with same stop code

I then tried to check for viruses, nothing appeared

I went to safe mode and unistalled third party softwares like avast and updated graphic drivers (it was useless cuz my graphic drivers were already updated)

And i thought the blue screens were gone for good but nope while playing a different game it came again but the stop code was MEMORY MANAGMENT

So i thought i had ram problems (i have 16 gigs ram)


I ran memory diagnostic tool and when it was at 01% it already detected a hardware problem and said i had to contact the pc manufacture

I havent done that yet and ill do it if i have to in a couple days


Okay so after it was done i got this startup screen saying that an error occurred and its called 0xc000009a

Sadly after i screenshoted the screen my pc turned off by it self which got me the creeps

I decided to take a sleep because i was in some stress

Few days later i woke up and turned on my pc to do a restore time point thingy to restore my pc before the error started happening.

I did that and gave it some time, i came back to a blue screen and the stop code was DPC WATCHDOG VIOLATION

That name only made me think i did something wrong and the fbi is coming after me (its my first time seeing that error)

I couldnt get a screenshot because my phone wasnt plugged in to the charger

The blue screen was stuck at 100% collecting info and i couldnt turn off the pc i had to hold the button

To forcefully turn off the computer

I decided to give the pc an hour break because it was stuck at 100% complete and the fan was loud too which its rare to see that happen to mu computer

Anyways after that break i went to reset my whole pc, to give it a super fresh start because i didnt like what softwares i had

I gave that a try and when it was like 50% to being done i got the blue screen with the stop code "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA"

I got really confused so i tried to uninstall updates but doesnt seem to work i also tried to update and didnt work either.

I tried a system restore in safe mode with a different system save point whatever its called, got a blue screen with the dpc watchdog thing

I searched online for a fix and i had to update some driver called APTI i forgot the name of it

I updated it plus i updated a graphics card

I thought i was good so i went to play games

30 minutes into the game and i got a blue screen with the memory management

My pc restarted and when i saw the desktop i was like WT

Half of my desktop was colored like a rainbow BUT IN WEIRD CREEPY COLORS AND IT SCARED THE **** OUT OF ME

The desktop was like that for 3 seconds and it was gone i believe its because of the graphics card im not too sure

I actually tried to open memory dumps and see what the issue is and i couldnt (i searched even for an online analyzer)

I might've deleted 2 or more memory dumps lol

Anyways i think the issue is my ram sticks or a corrupted file or even something else.

Thanks for reading this long question and I'd really apperciate any help or questions about the problem i have

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