Does a Windows 10 laptop generally come with Synaptics?



Windows 10 emulates a middle mouse button click using a 3-finger tap. However, that doesn't permit a click, hold, and drag. I previously asked how this is accomplished on Windows 10, but without much response: X-windows middle-mouse button using touchpad on Windows 10

I now believe that the only way do this is using the Synaptics settings described in the above post. Hence, I pose the more focused question:

Does a Windows 10 laptop generally come with Synaptics?

Strictly speaking, whether a laptop comes with Synaptics depends on the manufacturer. However, I expect some correlation between support of touchpad gestures by Windows 10 vs. the need for Synaptics. Hence, the question isn't quite wide open, and is thus (somewhat) answerable. I am hoping to crowd source the trend. Most Windows laptops these days are designed to capitalize on Windows 10 features, and this question is specifically about such laptops.

From the TouchPad page (TouchPad Solutions | Synaptics), it seems that the driver is the program that allows gestures. I'm assuming that this includes the "Tap again and hold to drag" and "Locking Drags" (the features I need). Because Windows 10 has more touchpad features, I'm speculating that there might be a trend, with Synpatics being installed on fewer laptops (if any) in their virgin state, by which I mean first time retail sales.

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