LiveKernelEvent Code: 141 Error black screens and freezes constantly 5700xt



Hey Guys,

I really need some help, ever since I built my new PC about a week ago I’ve been having constant crashes and black screens, very inconsistantly sometimes I can game and have my pc on at load for ages and it works fine and then crashes, sometimes it'll crash again within 2 min and then not crash for many hours. Sometimes my computer will just completely freeze and other times, like if my monitor is asleep ill come back to my PC and the screen will just be black and frozen. I’ll always have to force a restart.

I’ve looked in my reliability history and its seems to all come down to LiveKernalEvent Code 141 error, which seems to be related to my GPU, here is an example of the error message:

Problem Event Name:LiveKernelEvent


Parameter 1:ffffdd0101528010

Parameter 2:fffff80476e5077c

Parameter 3:0

Parameter 4:48c

OS version:10_0_18363

Service Pack:0_0


OS Version:10.0.18363.

Locale ID:1033

I’m also getting different Bucket ID report sometimes with each error such as:


LKD_0x141_Tdr:6_IMAGE_atikmpag.sys (MOSTLY THIS ONE)



I’ve fully cleaned the drivers in safe mode with DDU and re-installed, this made no difference, also windows is fully updated and my BIOS is as well, as well as this ive taken the GPU out of my PC and it was able to run all night which never happens, which again points to it being a GPU issue of some kind.

Here are my specs:

32 gb ram

I7 9700k

Asus z390i

Sapphire 5700xt


450w Corsair SFX

64bit Genuine Windows 10 pro

Any help would be very appreciated im pulling my hair out on this one.

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