Diagnosing frequent (every 1/2 days) BSODs



Hi Microsoft Support,

I'm trying to diagnose some BSODs on my own PC and I'm struggling to figure out what a root cause of this is.

These crashes started happening after a few weeks ago. My PC has been fine before that for about 2 years.

I have had a number of different error causes, and I have provided in this link the two most recent minidumps and msinfo:

The minidumps were created when my system was overclocked (with just DOCP RAM overclocking), however I have set that to normal now.

I have recently done a "Reset this PC" option in Windows, and have also done a memtest86 for ~20 hours with 0 errors (all tests). I've also included the memtest86 log file in the link

My PC information is below:

Corsair CS750M PSU

16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 RAM

Ryzen 3600 CPU

ASUS ROG STRIX 370-F Motherboard

Samsung 850 SSD

Finally I've included a Piriform Speccy text output and put all the files in the link here:

Hopefully you can help point me to the right direction of what could be causing these crashes!

John Peterson

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