I had help installing windows a couple days ago but now my pc takes about 10 minutes to start up and 5 to shut down.



A couple days ago I had help reinstalling windows because I was unable to boot into windows. It has been working and my games have been running great, but I have an issue. When starting up it takes about 10 minutes and shutting down takes about 5 mins. I defragged my hard drive and that is where windows is installed but it did not help anything I also went into a command box and typed in some stuff about config to try to help but it doesn't. I takes very long to start and shut down. I also tried formatting my ssd because I would like to use it and would have liked to install windows on it but it wouldn't work. When trying to format it it just fails, I tried formatting it in a command box and it wont let me. I need some assistance on these issues and any help would be appreciated.

Before I needed to reinstall windows my start up and shutdown times were like 5 seconds, and when logging on the welcome just flashed. Now it spins spins and finally is done. sometimes it will show a black screen after logging on and then show my home screen.

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