about my experience in the technical help service in Microsoft Shop Sydney



I bought three Microsoft Surface productions in the last 12 months, particularly in this month, I bought two Surface Pro computers. My Surface book 2, which I bought in December last year, was just started to be used this month too. So I have quite a bit of dealing with the technical help department in Microsoft Shop, Sydney.

I found when I bought a new computer, the setting up is always an issue. I bought one of my Surface Pro last week. The installation was not fully finished in the shop because the lady sold me the computer said to me that I can finish updating my computer at home myself. Then I bought the computer home and tried to update it. With my limited knowledge of computer and after one update, when I restarted the computer, it could not load programs properly already. It also had quite a bit of error messages. This really ruined my confidence in this product!!! I have to bring back my newly bought computer to the Microsoft Sydney Shop for repair after the first use on the first day. Before I walked into the shop, I have made up my mind to return this product already. When I was in the shop, I was served by Melody. Melody was very patient with me. She tried her best to work out why the newly bought computer broken on the first day. She explained to me that the reason why it did not work is the software updates actually have several parts. When I brought the computer home and then downloaded the Windows Update. One update and restart are not enough. I have to restart and then download other parts and then restart again. I have to make sure that I download all the updates. Then the computer will function properly. Then she also looked into my problems with outlook. I have added 4 email accounts in the outlook. But outlook kept stopping loading. Outlook couldn’t function properly. I was quite upset with this. I made a commend to Melody that I think Microsoft Surface Pro computer is not even as good as an Apple Ipad. Apple Ipad is tiny comparing to Microsoft Surface pro computer, but when I was in the Apple shop, they just added the same 4 emails accounts easily and no problems at all. Then Melody explained to me the reason why Outlook takes so long to load my emails and ended up unsuccessfully is my Gmail account did not give the authority for Outlook to access my emails. Once we changed the authority in my Gmail account, the problems is solved. In the whole time Melody helped me, she is very supportive to Microsoft products. She helped me realized my misunderstanding about Microsoft Surface Pro product. She helped me to rebuild my confidence in Microsoft products. At the end, I still refund that particular Surface Pro because the camera inside of that machine is actually broken. But I got to say that I am happy to buy more Microsoft products in the future because of the very good quality service Melody gave to me that day. I got to say that Melody really rebuild my confidence in Microsoft products. She uses her professional knowledge and understanding of customers to convince me that Microsoft is not only a company with good quality products, but also a company with good after sale services. I think Melody should be a super star staff in your after sale technical help department and she should give training to some other staff about how to keep and win the customers by solving their computer problems.

I bought another Surface Pro computer for my daughter for her school online this month too. This morning I took the newly arrived computer to your Microsoft Sydney Shop for setting up the computer. I have written clearly about this in my appointment request. Then a gentleman from the Sydney shop after sale service department instructed the young lady serving me to only give me 15 minutes. I said to the young lady it is not fare for you to only give me 15 minutes to set up my newly bought Surface Pro computer. I spent over $3000 for the computer. If you don’t set up my computer properly, I have to come back again.

I don’t know what is the rule about setting up newly bought computers in Microsoft. The several issues I have are all from people not setting up the new computers properly. If you don’t finish setting up the computer properly, I take it home and the computer does not work and then I have to come back again. It is a waste of your time, money and my time, money. It also ruins people’s confidence in Microsoft computers.

Also this rule about 15 minutes: if a newly bought computer has to be set up properly, it will probably take over 15 minutes. So why there is this rule of 15 minutes for newly bought computer setting up.

I have several Apple devices and I have experiences of buying new devices from Apple shops and setting them up with the staff there. I also have experiences of Apple devices broken and repaired with staff in Apple Shop. I have never for once had anybody from Apple Shop said to me the service is limited to 15 minutes.

After sale technical help service is actually part of sales. It is more effective for Microsoft to keep and win customers than a lot of other ways. To develop the business and sell the products, it is not just to make the shop beautiful and make the products shinning. It is also about really meeting customers’ needs for services in products. A good start point will be setting up their newly bought computers properly, so they don’t need come back that often. What do you think?

I also have to admit, I am now towards 50 years old. I am not a wizard in new computer technology. There are probably some customers who are very good at computers and it maybe quick to serve them. But I think there are also customers like me out there. We are interested in using the computers and we are willing to buy the products. But we need somebody who can give us real quality services, not 15 minutes services. We need somebody who can set up our computers properly and solve our problems.

Thanks a lot for your help!



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