"Unable to Connect" to my home WiFi on brand new Surface



Another ghostly Windows issue for one of my clients.

They recently got a brand new Surface. The computer seems to work on every single Wi-Fi network known to man except the one in their home.

The network is made up of a series of Araknis Wi-Fi access points. Every single device in the home, mobile device and any Apple computer seems to work fine. She however has a Surface.

If we completely remove the network from the device tree and restart the computer, we can connect to it. But as soon as the computer is removed from the network or powers down, the next time you try to connect, the message "Cannot connect to network" is what is displayed when you try to force the connection.

For testing purposes, to made sure the network isn't flagging the computer for some reason, we've connected a brand new access point to the system with a different SSID and have no trouble_ so we are 99% certain the issue lies between the computer and the Access points in use here... but it seems illogical to me that I should tell them they need to replace their whole wi-fi network in order to get this one computer working correctly.

So... words of wisdom oh smarter-than-I-at-Windows-Gurus?

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