How do I stop windows 10 from constantly changing my settings back to the setting IT WANTS




For example win 10 picture viewer, it really sucks, every time you zoom in on a picture you have to resize it back before you can change to the next photo. So fine you don't want to use it so after great difficulties (which you intentionally added) I switched to the old windows 7 picture viewer. Then in windows continued effort to be helpful you changed it back and now I can't remember how I did it, even though this isn't the first time win10 did this to me. I installed in Aug, I have had to go in and re-select my default programs 3 times, 4 counting the install, WHY. I'm certain that now that I've changed it back again within a month or two you'll do it again and come up with your little window which program would you like to use to open the .jpg and low and behold windows picture viewer is no longer listed, again and the default has been changed. You've done the same thing with my default media player, every month or so I go to open something (same file type as 20 times before) and instead of opening I get your lovely little window again asking me to select which program I want to use to open this file and the default is always changed putting in the check mark never lasts. And to make it that little bit more annoying the program I use is never listed as a choice so I gotta go out of my way to set it up again. WHY

I spent over $2000 on my laptop I want to tell it what to do not the other way around, nor do I want to "share" all the details of my life with strangers, if you and the other companies didn't collect all this info on us identity theft wouldn't be so prevalent. O I know you all claim that we can't be identified by the data you steal but when that much stuff is collected it's not hard to put the pieces together and find out who you are. How do you think they catch all the pedophiles on their VPN's ? by using this stolen data. Wait ya we're forced to give you our consent with all the bull EULA agreements we have the right to use no technology without selling out our privacy what a great deal and we pay full dollar for the software too. How much that make you, a lot more than just the buying price of the software. Why don't you come out with a version of windows that doesn't spy on everything you do bet it'd sell out quick but you wouldn't do it, it would just spy better so we didn't know...

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