Would my Windows 7 Ultimate activate properly Win 10 if there was a Win10 upgrade failure?



I have this situation.... I have a PC with a tragic history and I wonder if it can still re-upgrade to Windows 10. Here are all the facts so that someone here (Microsoft) can tell me whether it is possible or not.

Background History

I had it custom made, it had Windows Vista Pro (the powerful version) but because Windows 7 was about to be released, it came with a free Windows 7 Ultimate upgrade.

Then Windows 7 was released and I followed the instructions to upgrade my PC to Windows 7 Ultimate. I ran it happily for a few years, basically .NET development and Microsoft Flight Simulator X (I was an MS FSX Beta Tester too).

I moved abroad to the Third World (I do not have to tell you what that entails) and in a few months the electricity company with all its fluctuations blew up my motherboard and inflicted damage to my good video card despite the big surge protector (which BTW also got damaged).

I rebuilt my PC with a new motherboard and the same glitching video card (luckily mobo also had a built-in video card). I reinstalled Windows 7 Ultimate and spent weeks reconfiguring my entire development and simulating environment, very time-consuming!. The PC got a new life (more power) with the new mobo. Again, it was protected with a big surge protector.

Then came Windows 10 and it was constantly nagging me to upgrade to Windows 10 for free. Little did I know that that "free" would turn expensive in terms of downtime!

I used the Windows 10 download the system had done after nagging me constantly. I decided to run the free upgrade to Windows 10 Pro. But, I got screwed big time, the "free upgrade" MS downloaded on my system went sour. During that upgrade the Windows system gave some upgrade error. After that my system turned into a paper weight, it refused to boot into the new Windows 10 Pro regardless of my actions.

That meant I had to wipe out my HDD and reinstall my Windows 7 Ultimate. By the time I got to reconfigure my system the Windows 10 free upgrade grace period came to an end and I did not dare to run the "upgrade" again, having become in the process very distrustful about it. The PC remained with Windows 7 Ultimate as my workhorse. I do not recall if I manually activated the upgrade or if the system registered my system as a free upgrade during that process.

Other Facts

In case somebody forgets the facts...

  • It had Windows 7 Ultimate
  • It validated for free Windows 10 upgrade and the system was powerful enough for Windows 10
  • The free upgrade to Windows 10 Pro was run during the grace period
  • The upgrade went through to the end but at some point after Win 10 had booted, it gave a grave error and failed to boot.

New Situation

The question is... now that I am going to reinstall that whole PC from scratch into a new disk (still have the Win7 Ultimate media that I used for the failed free upgrade), can I download Windows 10 and will it recognize my system as one that "upgraded" during the grace period despite having downgraded for the reasons mentioned above?

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