Upgrading from windows 7 to windows 10, will I need to upgrade Microsoft version of word 2007 running on windows 2007 or will it work on windows 2010



My Hp Pavilion computer is 9 years old. There is nothing wrong with it but I need to upgrade from Windows 7 to 10 since windows 7 will no longer be supported as of January 1, 2020. A local computer shop recommended I just upgrade computer and put a larger hard drive in like 12 Ram SSD. Reason for larger hard drive, computer is running slow when I work in Paint Shop Pro Photo editing program ( need at least 8 or more ram). My current computer has 6 ram , running Intel core i3 -2121 cpu @3.30 ghz . Sales person said I could get another 4 or more years out of the computer by upgrading.. I am deciding on whether i get a new PC desktop or just upgrade current one. . I am afraid the Mircosoft word 2007 may not work with Windows 10 if I upgrade old computer. I am also wondering what other software may not work with windows 10.

To help make my decision I need to know if other people who upgraded to windows 10 found that there other software for programs and hardware did not work with windows 10. Thanks for any advice.

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