Why is Onedrive still a piece of ****?



So instead of having Dropbox, Google Drive, icloud and Onedrive I decided to just choose one.......

1tb came with my Office subscription so i picked Onedrive. 1 month later.....what an utter piece of ****!

I got syncing errors up the wazoo ALL the time....it tells me to delete a copy then warns me by deleting it will delete it everywhere.

Then I finally try to delete it and it brings up an error!!!

At one stage I had like 3 versions of 1 folder in the cloud using all my storage.....fk knows how that happened.

I've been using Dropbox since 2010...I KNOW HOW TO USE CLOUD SYNCING programs. FFS I administer a 150 PC WAN

with syncing going everywhere. Yet this Onedrive puzzles me.....how does big corporation get something so fked up when there are 50 options to choose from in the market place begging for people to move away from something more reliable.

Put some effort into it please!!

I'm ditching it and using Drive from Synology.....it really can't be any worse!!

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